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Allowing for multiple formats of mobile numbers

I'm trying to perform a lookup to retrieve a records "MemberNumber" off their mobile number. The data i'm dealing with has up to three different formats of numbers either starting with a 0, 61 or no ...
Luke Harrison's user avatar
0 votes
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Is it possible to send an SMS message from SFMC without subscribing the user to a keyword?

Basically the title. We are looking to send to new users who signup via SMS. However, when the user signs up we prefer for them to not be subscribed to anything. Is this possible? I looked into ...
Tariq McLeod's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to capture Subscriberkey in Text response in mobile connect

we have sent outbound message and capturing mobile number and subscriberkey into data data extension and now when user responds to outbound with keyword Accept, we need to update the response to ...
Kas16's user avatar
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