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Angular Visualforce is freezing in IPad

Background We have a simple VF page that is made using AngularJS+Bootstrap. The page works perfect in browsers (Desktop, Mobile, Iphone and Android S1 app). There is not errors (javascript or apex)...
Martin Borthiry's user avatar
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'orientationchange' doesn't seem to be working in S1

Recently started using S1. Developing a web app and trying to listen out for orientation change on iPad. This works perfectly in full site mode on the iPad function doOnOrientationChange() { ...
Daft's user avatar
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Issue with Lookup Search page in InAppBrowser

This questions is a result of an earlier question about jumping to a VF page in a browser from SFDC1 (Link to full site in Salesforce1?). On the iPad, it is possible to go to any URL from SFDC1 by ...
hamayoun's user avatar
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Quickest way to edit a list in Salesforce1?

I have iPad users who need to access a specific list of records for editing. Each record just needs a single field updated, but it is a different field depending on record types. I tried inline edit ...
snugsfbay's user avatar
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Scrolling on iPad becomes stuck

I looked to see if there was a similar question on this site, but couldn't find one, and apologize if this is a repeat question. My company is doing some front end work for a client building an app ...
Nathan M's user avatar
2 votes
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Mobile UI in iPad in Salesforce1

I just came to notice that in iPad devices, Salesforce1 app is reflecting the mobile design of the app! I'm specifically asking it because, in the Chrome simulator, it's showing the table layout ...
SE_User's user avatar
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Resize ADFS 3.0 SSO Page in Salesforce1 for iPad

We have single sign-on configured with ADFS 3.0 and everything seems to be working correctly except the ADFS login page does not resize correctly inside the Salesforce1 app on an iPad. The whole page ...
Chad's user avatar
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"Catch" iPad back button event in Salesforce One

I'm confronted with following problem: I have created a jquery-mobile application within salesforce, to be used on the ipad in salesforce one. In the app, the ipad back button is displayed. If a user ...
ma_wi's user avatar
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Logging calls on the iPad

The Salesforce1 app allows users to log calls on iPhone and Android devices. However we have a client that wants to log them using an iPad. The documentation does not seem to indicate any reason the ...
Mgetz's user avatar
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How Can Get Back to Chrome version of Salesforce 1 on iPad from Classic View?

Nonprofit I work for has recently gone paperless with iPads for our client intake. Started out using Salesforce 1 app, but it is unstable and often crashes, freezes, or gets stuck in a loop on a ...
Mitchell Parsons's user avatar
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Salesforce1 layout not showing when linking from visualforce page

I have been searching the net to find an answer to a problem I'm facing regarding to loading the right page layout when linking from a Visualforce page. I have created a Visualforce page which I made ...
Esther's user avatar
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