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Questions tagged [convertcurrency]

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Currency converstaion in Quote

If I have a product in USD and wanted to quote it in INR, it would do the conversion and put the product in the quote. is there any possible way to achieve this ?
WantToBeACoder's user avatar
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Getting realtime/Daily converstion rates

We are considering to enable multicurrency in our org. What are the ways to keep the exchange rates in sync with market..? Do we have any products or api's that can be used to update the real-time ...
Sooraj57's user avatar
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How to convert the currency value field to the corporate currency in SOQL

I want to convert the amount field in opportunity object to the corporate currency, I found that the convertCurrency(amount) will give me the value in user's currency format, but I found that the user'...
R_M_R's user avatar
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How to use Corporate Currency Value in Approvals instead of Quote's Currency?

Multi currency is enabled in my Org. I am using Approvals for Quote Object. If Net Amount is less than 10,000 it requires Manager Approval. If Net Amount is greater than 10,000 it requires Finance ...
Santhiya's user avatar