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How is an Einstein Email recommendations block created?

I have watched a thousand videos about Einstein Email Recommendations, read a thousand articles on the subject, but I have not seen any real or fictitious example of how to set up an email with ...
Marc Garcia's user avatar
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How to avoid duplicates in Einstein recommendations?

If using 2 Einstein modules in an email, each with different logicIDs, is there a way to avoid the same product being populated? For example, in the scenario below, the same cat product shows within ...
MMoo's user avatar
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API for Einstein Content Selection

I want to automate pushing new assets to Einstein Content Selection. Is there a way to do that like an API? Also I’m wondering if there is a way to mark assets that are already in SFMC Content Builder,...
Abdelilah El Majjaoui's user avatar
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Einstein Content Selection - attribute mapping

I want to use einstein content selection for a simple assortment banner at the end of a email. I have 3 attributes in the asset and in the send-DE that have to match (must match is checked). country ...
Maik's user avatar
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