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Questions tagged [canvas-app]

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Heroku Quick Start is not creating an App from Salesforce

I am having a weird issue when I try to create a Heroku App from my Canvas App Previewer in Salesforce. I have already registered on Heroku and added my Billing details. Now I navigate to Canvas App ...
Madhurima's user avatar
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How 2GP ConnectedApp metadata combines with Connected App in released 1GP

We have a 2GP with an Aura Component that contains a Canvas App. We followed the documentation from Salesforce and created a Connected App in a namespace packaging org and created a released 1GP ...
nstuyvesant's user avatar
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How do you do Canvas Authentication in React application?

I am having the nodeJS+React application and now I want to embedded it in Salesforce via Canvas. I have to validate the sign request to find out authenticate users and then need to redirect users to ...
Amila ranganath's user avatar
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Community site having Navigation tab which has external site embedded but external site not redirecting to home page, how to fix this issue

We are using Canvas app(Manage) for External site called (Seismic) and added that in our community site. In the Navigation bar we have Tab called Seismic, once we click on it will shows iframe and all ...
A K's user avatar
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Canvas parameters being sent from Aura component intermittently

We have a Canvas App embedded in tab in a lightning page. The tab only consists of the Aura component which has the Canvas implemented. Aura Comp: <aura:component controller="...
SFDC_Dev's user avatar
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How to mock/repoint urls to external services of already released managed package to different testing envs (e.g. qa/staging/uat heroku apps)

Our managed package uses a lot of external services in a form of nodejs heroku applications. Integrations are implemented in different ways: apex callout + named credentials canvas connected app ...
wesaw's user avatar
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Refused to frame because of ancestor violation with CSP's while using a connected app and displayed through the canvas app

Received this error: Refused to frame '' because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "frame-ancestors 'self' * * ". I added ...
user10864530's user avatar
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Connected App definition in Managed Package

I added my connected app in my managed package, but when install it in other organization, I find only the "Policy" of my Connected app and not the definition like the configuration of my ...
Oscar's user avatar
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INVALID_SESSION_ID: force:canvasApp does not load connected app

I am trying to create a 2GP that includes an Aura component which loads a canvas app using force:canvasApp. I have successfully created this aura component in my packaging organisation, by creating a ...
Rink Stiekema's user avatar
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How to create a canvas application displaying a connected app in a 2GP

I am trying to create a 2GP that includes an Aura component, which shows a canvas app using force:canvasApp. I have tested this Aura component by creating it in the developer console. I did this in ...
Rink Stiekema's user avatar
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Inline Visualforce page vs Canvas App vs Lightning app

What are the difference between Inline Visualforce page vs Canvas App vs Lightning app. I'm looking to build an app that needs to inject UI inside detail page for an object. Should work for both ...
vishesh's user avatar
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Salesforce Canvas App Issue with Chrome Latest Versions and Recent Cookie SameSite Policy

We created a Canvas App implementation in Salesforce that is able to render an external .NET / C# web app within the CRM by means of an aura component. It works perfectly fine in any browser, except ...
sfandro's user avatar
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Use of Canvas App In AppExchange

We have a requirement for an AppExchange app where we would like to embed the pages build within external website (composite app) in to Salesforce. As per various article, Canvas App supports ...
Ateet's user avatar
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How to authenticate oauth2 for canvas app?

I have a node application deployed on heroku that authenticates with salesforce using oauth2 webflow using connected app. I want to create a tab in salesforce that directly lands to the homepage of ...
Sumit's user avatar
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Can we put canvas app inside a public site? How this can be achieved?

I am trying to expose canvas app through a public site but I can see that it doesn't work. I can see that there is some request to /canvas/proxy.jsp which doesn't work inside a public site. Page Not ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Architecture decision: use canvas app or lightning out?

Suppose we need to develop an app which can be used both inside Salesforce and in another web site. And definitely we don't want to duplicate the code. So basically there are two options here: ...
Lance Shi's user avatar
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Update outer page from canvas app

I have several canvas apps implemented through lightning components on a lightning record page. The lightning page also contains a highlights panel and other panels that are native to lightning. ...
Steve Weiss's user avatar
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Lightning App Builder - Unable to drag an iframe lightning component

We have a force:canvasApp Lightning Aura Component rendering an iframe, and after it's been fully loaded, the normal drag-and-drop functionality on the component within the Lightning App Builder just ...
Brian Miller's user avatar
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Enable USB Feature for Canvas: external website embedded in a VisuaForce page

I am using SF Canvas to embed an external Web Application in a VisualForce page in my org. The content is being successfully loaded in an IFrame in the browser. The page needs access to the USB ...
AHH's user avatar
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Push Embedded Iframe Browser Notifications to Lightning Page

We have a Lightning Canvas App component that's an iframe into a web page that normally pushs notifications to the browser. When in the Lightning Page context, those browser notification don't reach ...
Brian Miller's user avatar
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Edit Signed request

Is there anyway I can edit what is put into the signed request that SalesForce returns in a canvas app? I would like to change the context.user fields. It gives us Id's rather than names and I would ...
Joshua Sohan's user avatar
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Consumer key and secret for connected canvas app

In a managed package we have a Connected canvas app, which will be connected to the central server from all of the Orgs which have installed the package. After the user installs the app exchange app, ...
Vetriselvan Manoharan's user avatar
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Connected App for API & Canvas App Settings seem to contradict each other

We're trying to use the same connected app (using Web Server flow) for two purposes: 1) Allow API calls to Salesforce via an external website and 2) Use Canvas App to embed that external website into ...
Brian Miller's user avatar
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Get Canvas Context using force:canvasApp after authorization

I'm trying to see some of the authentication tokens returned by the client after successfully authorizing my force:canvasApp aura component. Any attempt to use Sfdc.canvas within lightning aura ...
Brian Miller's user avatar
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Publish Custom Canvas App Event from Lightning Aura Component to the Canvas App

We're currently using an aura component with the <force:canvasApp> component to embed our Canvas App. As mentioned in the answer to this post, Sfdc.canvas is not fully exposed to the aura ...
Brian Miller's user avatar
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Canvas app signed request 'content type' header is always using 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Can this be set to application/json?

We have a situation where our APIs do not accept a content type of 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' and I can't figure out how to force the canvas app configuration to use another content type that ...
Anitha's user avatar
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Canvas App (or equivalent) for Lightning Web Components

We are currently using the force:canvasApp lightning component to embed an external site securely into Salesforce. The Spring '19 release is introducing Lightning Web Components as the future of ...
Brian Miller's user avatar
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Visualforce page with canvasApp fails to load when using "login as" (user impersonation)

I have a Visualforce page that uses apex:canvasApp. The canvas app itself uses a signedrequest for authentication via SAML SSO. Everything loads fine when logged in as a real user, however when an ...
gsar's user avatar
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