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Questions tagged [behavioral-triggers]

SFMC Behavioral Triggers for abandon browse, abandon cart and abandon wishlist leveraging the collect code

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Web-to-Lead : Editing an existing lead instead of creating a new one

I'm new to apex and trying to accomplish the following. We use Salesforce Enterprise edition. We have a web-to-lead form that passes information about resource downloads and it has basic information ...
Desper's user avatar
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Multi Regional Behavioral Triggers

I am working with a Behavioral Trigger catalogue with multiple regions so names, price, image link all have a different value depending on the customer's country. e.g. One of the product name headers ...
neo2049's user avatar
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Not able to get the data in IGO_profiles for Einstein Email recommendations

I am trying to fetch the data in the IGO_Profiles but its not showing whereas IGO_View is getting populated easily and when I am trying to see the payload in the network of our developer tool the ...
Yash Lath's user avatar
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Implementing collect.js code on two different commerce sites to collect abandoned cart data into 1 business unit with 2 brands

We have 2 separate retail brands set up in 1 SFMC business unit through which we send all journeys. Now we are implementing abandoned cart journey for these 2 brands using journey builder behavioral ...
Praveen Kumar Bandi's user avatar
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DLRS/Celigo Trigger Failures

I have a production org configured with Celigo's enabled and I'm attempting to introduce DLRS based rollups. Introducing DLRS into production causes both DLRS rollup and Celigo ...
SalesforceDeveloper's user avatar
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trackCart not working in MC Collect Code

We have the following snippet in order to track cart in our website using the MC Collect Code: <head> <script type="text/javascript" async src="https://REMOVED.collect....
Barak's user avatar
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Einstein Recommendations - How to Import Offline or Historical Data Feeds?

How does one go about importing an offline or historical data feed of purchases into Marketing Cloud? Reading the documentation I know it can be done:
Hellodolly9999's user avatar
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New behavioral triggers Abandoned Cart block showing one product twice with regular and sales price

We are using the new Behavioral triggers block and we are having an issue... Most of the time, the product is showing twice. It appears to be showing the Master and Variant from the catalog. But I ...
Stan Alachniewicz's user avatar
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Does the Collect Tracking Code work across multiple websites?

The use case: I want to push website activity via the Collect Tracking Code into Marketing Cloud. I want to push data from multiple websites into a single Marketing Cloud business unit. Each website ...
Hellodolly9999's user avatar
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Problem : Behavioral trigger abandon basket

I try to set up the behavioral trigger on the abandoned basket. I created the product catalog with the required fields including the product_code which seems important. I made sure that avaibility on ...
Golden Abagnale's user avatar
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Product Catalog for Behavioral triggers - product links need to be individual links?

We have been setting up Behavioral Triggers and following instruction. We have created and uploaded file with all product but were wondering if it's going to work because we don't have individual ...
ChameliLuthra's user avatar
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Edit behavioural trigger content block: productLink

I am currently in the process of implementing behavioural triggers content block. I have a scenario in which the default product link from product catalog refers to a certain region that will not ...
Willem Ruys's user avatar
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New Behavioral Triggers No Data in Data Extension

Has anyone used these yet? Very new, they just released them within the past couple of months. I have collect tracking code installed and I am seeing that carts are tracking in Web and Mobile ...
Stan Alachniewicz's user avatar