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Marketing Cloud - SQL Query to Return all Subscribers Who've been sent an email

I want to find out how many of my subscribers (who've been sent an email) have opened an email within the last 5 years. I want to include subscribers who've been sent an email and haven't opened an ...
Jeremy Thabes's user avatar
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Using Einstein STO outside of Journey Builder

I know Einstein STO is designed to use within Journey Builder, but I also know I can use it to send ad hoc emails via an Automation Studio Send Email event. My question is, once I create that event, ...
PForsyth's user avatar
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After inserting record's into SFMC Data extension, I see some unwanted texts are inserted along with normal text

I have inserted record's into DE. But after insertion, I can see some unwanted texts are also insered into the fields. Expected: question (field) How are you I&I ? (Records) uploaded records: ...
SFMC Developer's user avatar
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how to use child standard object data in the personalized mail while your journey salesforce data entry event is on parent object

I am creating a journey for which the entry event is a salesforce data event on a contact object. But I have to use child object field data in the mail to personalize the mail. For example Parent ...
Pooja's user avatar
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How to create a report for individual subscriber

Is there any way to create a report that relates to email send, open and click data at an individual level in marketing cloud? I tried using query activity in a DE but I was getting empty results. ...
Ankur Nigam's user avatar