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Automation generates yesterday's data and file name when run early morning (fine under other hours)

We have an automation to export the people in a Data Extension with the LastDeliveryDate value equal to 21 days ago. The file will end up on an SFTP server that is not Salesforce's own Enhanced server....
Disasterkid's user avatar
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Data export: Views vs Tracking Extract

If we have to make a choice at this moment, on which process we are going to use to extract daily campaign data from SFMC to an external data warehouse, what would be the best (future proof) solution. ...
user6079228's user avatar
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How to use a Data Extract to send tracking activity to an SFTP

I am trying to set up my first data extract activity, and I'm having a lot of trouble with the basic setup because I don't truly understand what the activities do. I'm trying to do a tracking export ...
K K's user avatar
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Filtering link tracing/checking from click data extracts?

In early February, my company noticed a significant uptick in click activity in our data extracts. Deliveries, opens, bounces, and everything else remained normal. I opened a ticket with SFMC ...
Mike's user avatar
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Data Extract Activity could not start issue

I migrated automations from one Business Unit to another (newly created) using Package Manager. Some of these automations have Data Extract activity. The Extract type is 'Data Extension Extract'. All ...
Krati Garg's user avatar
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Data Conversion & date/time wildcards

I have a data conversion step in an automation that follows this file naming convention: MemberCommunication_%%Year%%%%Month%%%%Day%%%%Hour%%0000.csv I needed the timestamp to facilitate the ETL ...
PForsyth's user avatar
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SFMC Automation File transfer splits a single row into multiple lines due to line feed char

I have an issue with a DE data extract followed by a Transfer file activity that splits a single row into multiple lines on the file transfer. Expecting 1 row as below": "1","...
Sam's user avatar
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Email Send Definition Key - Data Extract - Automation Studio

I want to perform a data extract activity so that I can pull subscriber-level data regarding a particular send that occurred more than 6 months ago (no data views). The send in question occurred in ...
chorlesbarkley7's user avatar
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Data Loss in File Convert Data Activity Extract

Has anyone experienced a loss of data from "File Convert" Data Extract Activity? I am exporting a synchronized data extension: Step 1: Data Extract Activity - Export DE Step 2: Data Extract ...
KBrown-Blend360's user avatar
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File convert to UTF8

I'm trying to extract the journeys data with data views and put the generated file in FTP with UTF format. After configuring the query and the Data extract activity (Data extract from Data extension), ...
Ilyass Ait Moussa's user avatar
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Importing File from Marketing Cloud Safehouse with Field Level Encryption

We have automations that run nightly which export business-critical data extensions to our Safehouse in case Marketing Cloud takes a tumble and all our data is lost. Some of these fields in the data ...
Luke Krausmann's user avatar
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Data Extract File Convert activity throwing error

While converting File format from UTF-16le to UTF-8 in Automation studio using Data Extract (File Convert), I am getting error but not able to understand what error is coming as Automation Studio ...
rohitchavan's user avatar