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Questions tagged [apexactionfunction]

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How to pass an Apex-Defined Collection Variable from apex action in flow to a screen component (LWC) in Flows?

I have been working a small requirements where I need to display the Count of all Accounts Group by CreatedDate for Calendar Year. I have created an apex action 'FetchAccountData' as below public ...
Abhishake Chandra's user avatar
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Assigning Flow's collection variable with WrapperList generated from Apexaction and loop over

I'm calling an apex action to an invocable method which needs to return a wrapperList. Below is my invocable method & I'm having trouble accessing the returned wrapperList within my flow so that I ...
Sam's user avatar
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Error in AutoLaunch flow: xxx (Action) - The process type 'Autolaunched Flow' only supports 'CurrentTransaction' in 'FlowTransactionModel'

I have a screen flow in Salesforce. I saved this flow as a New Flow and changed the type to "Autolaunched Flow (No Trigger)". But this flow has many Apex Actions and for every Apex Action, I ...
ViqMontana's user avatar
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Can't send email as Organization Wide Email Address in Apex action in a User Record Triggered Flow

I need to send an email that will pull data from multiple objects that are unrelated (meaning I can't use Email Alert). I created a custom Apex Action for this that uses an Organization Wide Email ...
Shaun van Huyssteen's user avatar
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Problem with Action button that calls Aura component that contains a Flow with Apex action

Hello guys I have the next situation... as the title says I have an action button that calls an Aura Component that calls a Flow. this flow receives recordId input and I search its correspondent ...
sinpasharmi's user avatar
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Invocable Apex IconName Static Resource with full background

So I've finally had some success getting a custom static resource icon to display on my apex-action component in my flow, but I can't seem to figure out how to make the background color 100% without ...
Xtremefaith's user avatar
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Pass related sobject subobject from record flow to apex action

So in Record triggered flows you can get {$Record} and pass that but is there a way I can pass {$Record.Account} as an Account object? As when you send just {$Record} it strips the related object ...
KarlLivesey's user avatar
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Controller method not invoking when page refresh avoided

I have written an Apex method which sests the value to an automatic property called 'showPopup'. public boolean showPopup { get; set; } public void showWarningPopup(){ ...
Ruklani Attanyake's user avatar
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Flow error only in managed package with Apex actions returning data

I have a simple flow who calls an Apex action and then tries to use the returned value. Here is the Apex method : @InvocableMethod(label='CheckInstall' description='Check registration' category='...
Emmanuel BRUNO's user avatar
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why it is showing Formula Expression is required on the action attributes

<apex:page controller="c1" showHeader="false" sidebar="false"> <apex:form> <apex:pageBlock> <apex:pageBlockSection title="Login page"> <apex:inputText label="Name" title="...
Yi xaoi Naei's user avatar
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how to return from the function with the object I just inserted?

public class AccountHandler { public static **Database.SaveResult** insertNewAccount(String nome) { if(nome != null){ Contact novoregistro = new Contact(FirstName= nome, ...
Lucas Vitoria's user avatar
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Apex InvocableMethod not showing up in Flow

The Apex class is not in a package, has global visibility, is Active, has passing tests with 86% coverage, and the method has the @InvocableMethod tag but it is still not showing up in the picklist ...
nicolevy's user avatar
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ActionFunction not getting called from JS method

So I created a custom lookup to provide a search functionality for a contact insert/edit table. The idea is that the user can "load"an existing contact instead of creating a duplicate in the system. ...
Mauricio.Ramos1979's user avatar
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How to pass javascript variable value in apex controller

When i click on the image it's show javascript alert in alert i got the id and open popup which is fine but after that when i call apex controller method using actionfunction i got string value null ...
cloudZigZag's user avatar
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how to bind list of dynamic boxes from VF page to controller, values are not binding when using action function with Immediate=true property

I have a requirement to capture list of names using Dynamic boxes on VF page. I am using action function for this, but behavior is getting changed based on attribute "Immediate" of action function. if ...
user26702's user avatar
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ActionFunction Slowness

I was hoping someone could help explain what happens when ActionFunction gets triggered that could cause the slowness that I see here:
Ben Kass's user avatar
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Variable from apex class not set in javascript

My variable is not set in Javascript although it is set in apex: When I click on save, the method allowSave calls the apex method insertproduct , setting the boolean errorMsg to true if a validation ...
G.Tiffany's user avatar
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Check if input field cleared and then call an apex function

I have below auto complete Javascript code which works fine for my input text fields. But when I clear the searched value I am not getting search results as expected. Javascript Code j$(document)....
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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Page not re-rendering on change? Method not working?

I am trying to run a soql query based on an input value on a Visualforce Page. However, I don't see that the results are displayed on the page when the input field is changed. VF Page: <apex:...
Starley Flynn's user avatar
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Need help with NOT function

Hi I am a beginner at apex coding and salesforce. Here is my code that I would like to use the NOT() function. CASE(Lead_Source__c, "Self Generated", IF(Markup__c >= 0 && ...
Alias311's user avatar
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Why actionFunctions are not as fast as RemoteAction [duplicate]

Can anyone tell me why actionFunctions are not as fast as RemoteActions in Vf pages?
NoNicknameSFDC's user avatar
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Why can't I get focus to stay on input field using javascript or apex:actionFunction

I have a page that I use to search Entries in a Journal in our Salesforce Communities visualforce page. The system works just fine, except that I have been asked to make it search upon keyup. This ...
anotherSFguy's user avatar
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Calling an Apex action inside a HTML in Visualforce page [duplicate]

I need to call an apex action inside HTML. I had completed my UI design in Visualforce page with the help of HTML, now i need to call my action from controller (Custom). I am not sure how to insert ...
Venkatesh Kumar Sakthivel's user avatar
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VisualForce drop down button creation with a Link(action) associated to it

I need to create a drop down button(command) on my Visual Force page. This drop down should have a "Link"(or a lable-Text), when we click on this link it should invoke an action. This design is ...
Venkatesh Kumar Sakthivel's user avatar
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ActionFunction is working only with reRender="" and not with any value inside it

I am experiencing a strange behavior for the first time... I have a actionFunction in my apex compoenent, which has reRender to some panel id. The panel doesnot reRender at all even though the ...
NoNicknameSFDC's user avatar
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Action method is not invoked in Action Method

In my button click, action method is not invoking in action function and directly going to oncomplete method.Below is the code. Controller - function cheValidation(){ callService(); } function ...
user1858588's user avatar
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Passing Parameter from JavaScript to controller don't seem to work

I'm trying to send a parameter from Visual force page to controller to delete the row of record on pagetable via javascript using actionFunction. I'm able to get the alert messages from javascript ...
user1585871's user avatar
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Actionfunction is not working on onchange event

I am trying to call actionFuction on selectlist onchange event but It is not working (function not going to called) Can anybody tell me what wrong in my code and the best practices follow when using ...
pornima's user avatar
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trouble with actionFunction

I am using a wrapper class to combine an sObject with a checkbox, then iterating over the wrappers in my list. The first column displays the checkbox, then a repeat tag iterates over a list of strings ...
VeMan's user avatar
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Do not VisualForce JavaScript onChange and actionSupport work together?

It seems like you can't use VisualForce JavaScript onChange and actionSupport together, because if you use onChange property on inputField then actionSupport onChange wouldn't work. There is here my ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Toggle Command Button Value from Ascending to Descending

I have a command link Ascending. If I click on the link, immediately, the value of the button/link should change to Descending. <apex:commandLink action="{!Asc}" value="Ascending" reRender="block"...
SFDC FanBoy's user avatar
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Passing variable into actionFunction and then back to JS function oncomplete

Can I pass a variable into an apex:actionFunction call as follows: deleteThing(thing_id); <apex:actionFunction name="deleteThing" action="{!deleteAttachment}" reRender="none" ...
Daft's user avatar
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jQuery Validation and Action function not working on Chrome

I am using submit handler in jQuery to validate the form before it passed to the Salesforce action function for submission, which in Firefox works perfectly. Yet in Chrome, the submission gets to the ...
David Dawson's user avatar
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Order of Invocation - Controller Methods (Constructor, Getter, Action Method)

I was browsing through Visual Force Dev cookbook and was trying to understand the sequence of execution of the controller methods ( constructor, getter, action method) while invoking the action ...
KaLi's user avatar
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Using actionFunction and onclick to show a portion of the page

I'm trying to use onclick and VF actionFunction to show a portion of a page.pageblocksection is not rendering.showdetail is false on vf page I've set up an onclick like this: <apex:commandLink ...
sfdc's user avatar
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input type color and upload file

I'm trying to allow a user to both upload a document and utilize the HTML input type="color". Then click Save and have both saved to the record. The color as a field on the record, the file as an ...
Phil B's user avatar
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