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Using Param in ActionFunction - Unexpected Token ':'

Using a simple action function and param to pass a value to a controller, but receiving the following in the browser. Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ':' Exception caught on ':' in ...
S.B.'s user avatar
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delete row when click on hyperlink of delete

row not delete when click on delete hyperlink what i'm doing wrong. apex class public class DeleteEditController{ public List<Stud__c> contacts{get;set;} public String conId{get;set;} public ...
cloudZigZag's user avatar
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<apex:param/> tag seems to always assign the last value on visualforce page, regardless of which event was clicked

I have a VF page with 3 tabs. I can't figure out why the value assigned to the activeTab String always gets set to the last value in the <ul>. I thought the events were separate for each <...
rmarq423's user avatar
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How to pass js confirm response to an action function

I've looked all over for this and haven't found anything, apologies if I missed it somewhere. I am trying to set a variable in the controller to equal the response from the confirm and then proceed ...
mplax's user avatar
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Apex:param not sending parameter in actionFunction

I have an actionfunction called from JavaScript attach_file('remote_input'); I have the actionFunction tag: <apex:form id="content" > <apex:actionfunction name="...
Lourdes Montero's user avatar
10 votes
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Can apex:param pass null for Integers?

I'm trying to reset an Integer value to null, but it is converted to 0. <apex:actionFunction action="{!doSomething}" name="doSomething" rerender="nothing"> <apex:param name="indexValue" ...
itsmebasti's user avatar
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ActionFunction rerender messing with Pagereference

I have a javascript method on my vf page which is called by a save button. This method performs some calculations, collects some data, and sends them to the save method in my controller as parameters ...
codeinprogress's user avatar
5 votes
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apex:actionFunction with apex:param Param not setting

I'm trying to set a controller property, using apex:param in an actionFunction but the properties aren't being set. This is my actionFunction: <apex:actionFunction action="{!setStartEndDates}" ...
Jess's user avatar
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22 votes
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Passing method parameters with apex:actionFunction

I have this Visualforce code snippet in a page: <apex:outputLink value="javascript:if (window.confirm('Are you sure?')) DeleteQuoteLineItem('{!LineItem.QuoteLineItem.Id}');"> Del </apex:...
jpmonette's user avatar
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