I'm writing a book titled <plug>
Journey Builder Developer's Guide</plug>
which will be published next quarter (contact me if you're interesting in being a reviewer). In one of the chapters, I'm trying to helpfully explain the difference between a contact and a customer as I don't really think the definition provided in the ET documentation is terribly clear:
This documentation uses the term Contact to describe the data record established in the ExactTarget system to store data about a person with whom your organization has communicated. The term Customer is used to describe the person(s) to whom communication is sent, about whom data is collected, and whose decisions affect Journey Builder behavior.
I believe it's important to clearly understand the relationship between a contact and a customer, as this is a core concept and without it, it's hard to understand how Journey Builder works with Contact Builder.
I describe this as: "Journey Builder uses contacts to group and organise customer data in a single view. A contact presents a customer as a single contact and is represented as a single entity within the platform.
Data is associated with a contact through attribute groups. These groups define relationships to (and/or between) data extensions for a customer."
If I've missed something here, then please let me know. Anyway, I'm trying to illustrate this relationship graphically through an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). I realise there are probably several ways to illustrate this, but mine is below. For the uninitiated in ERD's refer to this guide first.
I'd really appreciate if someone could clarify whether this is correct or whether I've completely got this wrong...