While following the 'Get Started With Hybrid Development' trail on TrailHead I am facing problem on step Create a Hybrid App -
C:\Users\anand.gupta>forcedroid create Enter your application type (native, react_native, hybrid_remote, or hybrid_loca l): hybrid_local
Enter your application name: MyTrailHybridApp
Enter the target directory of your app (must be an existing empty folder): Trail HybridApps
Enter the package name for your app (com.mycompany.my_app): com.mytrail.hybrid
". Should be in the format x[.y[.ignored]] ) is less than the minimum required version (5.4.0). Please update your version of Cordova.
I have the latest version of Cordova installed ( Cordova version 6.3.0 ).
Even the shutting off the telemetry isn't helping (As was suggested by some users )