I used the base app generator to create an app within which I have a Fuelux Datagrid that I would like to populate with information from a data extension.

I followed the sample here:https://github.com/adamalex/fuelux-dgdemo and was able to get an idea of how this works. I know I will need to use some kind of URL to connect to the Exacttarget API but I am a bit fuzzy about how to do that.

I found documentation on how to retrieve information using the Fuel SDKS here: https://code.exacttarget.com/sdks/fuel-sdk-interacting-data-extension

but since I am not using an SDK, is there another way to retrieve the information from the data extension?

  • Would you be open to a SOAP call?
    – Timothy
    Commented Jul 9, 2014 at 18:11
  • Yes, although I've never used one before so I do not know the syntax. Is there documentation somewhere for this? @Timothy Commented Jul 9, 2014 at 18:38

1 Answer 1


Here is the link for SOAP within ET. http://help.exacttarget.com/en/technical_library/web_service_guide/soap_api_best_practices/

It is assuming you have some knowledge how SOAP works, so you may need to brush up on that first.

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