You have to loop and capture the RequestID
from the Response to churn through the rows in blocks of 2500.
Here's the important part from a PHP implementation:
while ($results->OverallStatus=="MoreDataAvailable") {
$rr = new ExactTarget_RetrieveRequest();
$rr->ContinueRequest = $results->RequestID;
$rrm = new ExactTarget_RetrieveRequestMsg();
$rrm->RetrieveRequest = $rr;
$results = null;
$results = $client->Retrieve($rrm);
$tempRequestID = $results->RequestID;
print_r($results->OverallStatus.' : '.$results->RequestID.' : '.count($results->Results));
If you'd like to keep all of your code in SFMC, I've deleted 300 million rows from a DE using this SSJS in SFMC Landing Page that posts to itself. I utilized a DE of keys and deleted all of the rows from the target DE one key at a time. It took a while but it worked.
<script runat="server">
Platform.Load("core", "1.1.1");
function pruneRows () {
var DERowKeys = DataExtension.Init("DEofRowKeys");
var DERowKeyRows = DERowKeys.Rows.Lookup(["ProcessedFlag"], [0], 50, "RowDate");
var returnString = "";
var totalDelCount = 0;
for (var i in DERowKeyRows) {
var RowKey = DERowKeyRows[i].RowKey;
var RowDate = DERowKeyRows[i].RowDate;
returnString += "<br>" + RowKey;
returnString += ", " + RowDate;
var delCount = 0;
var action = "";
var begin = (new Date()).getTime();
var sl = DataExtension.Init("DataExtensionToPrune");
try {
delCount += sl.Rows.Remove(["RowKey"], [RowKey]);
totalDelCount += delCount;
action = "delete";
returnString += ", " + delCount;
} catch (e) {
action = "error";
var end = (new Date()).getTime();
var duration = (end-begin).toString() + 'ms ';
// update row as processed
if (action != "error") {
var updateCount = DERowKeys.Rows.Update({"ProcessedFlag":1,"RowsDeleted":delCount, "Duration":duration, "Action":action}, ["RowKey"], [RowKey]);
returnString += "<br>total deleted in batch: " + totalDelCount;
return returnString;