When Einstein STO is added to a journey, if 12hours are defined for STO activity before email activities in this flow:
- email1 → wait 1day → email2 → wait 1day & email3.
If journey is activated / run at 5am.
Question 1)
If some subscriber's STO engagement time is between 4pm - 5pm. My understanding is that these subscribers won't get email1 at 5am and STO will hold these subscribers until 4pm-5pm window.
Because they will get to email1 activity between 4pm-5pm, does that mean the subsequent wait step will also start at 4pm-5pm, not 5am, which means subsequent emails may get delayed and well? In other words, is STO step acting as a wait step in this case?
Question 2)
Can STO added in front of decision split or STO needs to be added individually in front of each email activities?