Since the retirement of classic content in Salesforce Marketing cloud, the AMPScript function TransformXML no longer works for new assets created in Content Builder (using it with XML/XSL from a DE for an order confirmation email).

Has anyone found a work-around that works? Trying to avoid using the Build Rowset options since our XML is rather complex with nesting and namespaces etc...

The following do not work:

Method One

Upload XML and XSL files to Content Builder Attempt to use: %%=TransformXML(ContentBlockById("xmlID"), ContentBlockById("xslID"))=%% Method fails because those files are not considered content blocks

Method Two

Copy/Paste XML and XSL files into separate Code Snippets Attempt to use: %%=TransformXML(ContentBlockById("xmlID"), ContentBlockById("xslID"))=%% Fails with the error: Failed to parse XML document. See inner exception for details. ​

Method Three

Import the XML and XSL into a data extension (example file included)

%%[ TransformXML(Lookup('TransformXMLTest', 'XML', 'ID', 1), Lookup('TransformXMLTest', 'XSL', 'ID', 1)) ]%%

Fails with the error:

Any Help is appreciated.

1 Answer 1


You might try this solution, in which you BASE-64 encode the XML and XSL before storing them in Content Builder.

In your case it'd be something like this:


set @xsl = Base64Decode(ContentBlockById("xmlID"), "UTF-8")
set @xml = Base64Decode(ContentBlockById("xslID"), "UTF-8")



EDIT 2023-06-19

Confirmed that this method does indeed work. And, to be honest, it is much easier to use AMPscript and the BuildRowSetFromXML methods for building dynamic content.

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