I recently found I have avg. 6m contacts (as per contact report) and 2m subscribers (per all subsc) in my SFMC account. I am confused I thought subscribers (if not equal) will be always greater than contacts.

And this spike happen in last month, is their a way to find out which BU and data extension has import such high number of records in past month? Any report is available or queering data views? I came across SFMC does not offer list of contacts so hard to start investigating?

Any idea?

  • Are you connected to a live Salesforce org? If yes are people running tests there and creating/deleting contacts? Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 14:53
  • Good call @Rufenstein, maybe worth connecting SFDC team to find out.
    – Sohail
    Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 15:27

2 Answers 2


The help page 'Contact Definition and Count Determination' does a great job breaking this down. All subscribers are contacts but not all contacts are subscribers. Subscribers are contacts that are belong to a channel (email/sms/push/ott)

Best guess is this spike has come from synchronized data extensions.

This help article 'Permanently remove Contacts or Subscribers and associated data from Contact Builder' will assist in finding/deleting contacts

  • Thanks @EazyE, I already have checked the Contact def. count link. I start investigating from Sync DEs as I was also guessing it's maybe Sync but honestly I didn't find anything suspicious.
    – Sohail
    Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 15:08

Could it be that you started using Mobile Push or Mobile Connect? This could also affect the number of Contacts, especially if the matching to Subscribers is not done correctly.

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