I am working on creating a custom button that creates a task that has been prepopulated using url hacking. I've gotten almost all of my fields to work, but I am stuck on how to get the "Assigned To" field to change from the "User" type to the "Customer Portal User" type (see pictures below for reference).

From this: enter image description here

To this: enter image description here

My current URL code is as follows:


How can I set to "Assigned to" picklist value to "Customer Portal User"?

1 Answer 1


Modify your tsk1_mlktp value to be &tsk1_mlktp=CustomerSuccessUserLookup.

You can find this using the developer tools in Chrome. If you right click the <select> and click Inspect Element, you can view the children <option>'s and see what value corresponds with the label you want selected.


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