I have the following URL hack but it is not working any ideas? The Asset.Account is a lookup field, is that the issue?
I have the following URL hack but it is not working any ideas? The Asset.Account is a lookup field, is that the issue?
Looks like "{!Asset.Account}}" contains an extra "}".
Hope this is the issue.
You need to do a URLENCODE of Asset.Account. It is not working because your account has a White Space, ',' that the Browser can't resolve.
Your correct URL is
Missed a '+' sign between the two field values. It's always encouraged to pass the field id's dynamically to avoid problem when it's moved to production.
var url="/02i/e?CF00NW0000000mpDu={!Asset.Account}"+"&CF00NW0000000mpDu_lkid={!Asset.AccountId}"