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Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a structured document format that defines human- and machine-readable encoding rules.

1 vote

Row Count error

. %%[ var @xml, @isXML, @nodes, @rowCount set @xml = AttributeValue("xml") if indexOf(@xml,"<cart>") > 0 then set @nodes = BuildRowsetFromXML(@xml,"/cart/items/item",0) set @rowCount = rowcount … ,concat(@nodepath,"sku"))) > 0 then set @sku = Field(Row(BuildRowsetFromXML(@xml,concat(@nodepath,"sku"),0),1),'Value') endif if rowcount(BuildRowsetFromXML(@xml,concat(@nodepath …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
1 vote

How to upload XML data in SFMC?

You can import XML, but you'll need to ensure that the XML blocks are all on one line (stripped of CR and LF). Also, I mention a little SFMC trick for accommodating large field values in this post. … It's helpful when dealing with big blobs of XML. …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
0 votes

Stamp XML as string

As a workaround, I typically do this for XML debugging output: %%[ var @HTML_XML set @HTML_XML = AttributeValue("HTML__XML") set @HTML_XML = replace(replace(@HTML_XML, ">", "&gt;"), "<", "&lt;") ]%% …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
2 votes

Why does my AMPscript only loop once?

I'd suggest testing your XPATH in BuildRowSetFromXML using xpather. The path you've specified only returns one result: You'll need to loop again once you get into the ShipmentClassification node. S …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
0 votes

AMPscript loop is showing incorrect output

Why didn't you follow the pattern I outlined in my previous answer? It will produce precisely what you intended -- with just a few minor adjustments: %%[ var @order_xml, @nodes, @rowCount set @order …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
1 vote

Return null value, if node not present in RSS-feed (ampscript)

Here's my go-to boilerplate for parsing XML. … The conditionals after the @nodepath assignment is the part pertinent to your question: %%[ var @xml, @isXML, @nodes, @rowCount set @xml = AttributeValue("xml") if indexOf(@xml,"<cart>") > 0 then …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
1 vote

AMPscript Error with XML

xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>') set @xml = concat(@xml, '<cart>') set @xml = concat(@xml, ' <items>') set @xml = concat(@xml, ' <item>') set @xml = concat(@xml, ' <sku><! … sku=123]]></url>') set @xml = concat(@xml, ' </item>') set @xml = concat(@xml, ' <item>') set @xml = concat(@xml, ' <sku><![CDATA[456]]></sku>') set @xml = concat(@xml, ' <name><! …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
4 votes

Using AMPscript to pull XML from DE

sku=789]]></url> </item> </items> </cart> %%[ /* Sample XML Payload: */ var @xml, @nodes, @rowCount set @xml = AttributeValue … ("xml") if indexOf(@xml,"<cart>") > 0 then set @nodes = BuildRowsetFromXML(@xml,"/cart/items/item",0) set @rowCount = rowcount(@nodes) if @rowCount > 0 then for @i = 1 to @rowCount do …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
1 vote

Parse XML values from a column in the DE?

Here's an abandoned shopping cart example that parses an XML payload. %%[ var @xml, @isXML, @nodes, @rowCount set @xml = AttributeValue("xml") if indexOf(@xml,"<cart>") > 0 then set @nodes = BuildRowsetFromXML … /items/item[",@i,"]/") if rowcount(BuildRowsetFromXML(@xml,concat(@nodepath,"sku"))) > 0 then set @sku = Field(Row(BuildRowsetFromXML(@xml,concat(@nodepath,"sku"),0),1),'Value') …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
1 vote

BuildRowSetFromXML with "attribute-id" with multiple data points?

In your XML parsing, I'd definitely check for a match first -- with a rowcount. Once you have the value, switch to SSJS to parse the JSON. … = Field(Row(BuildRowsetFromXML(@XML, '/custom-attributes/custom-attribute[@attribute-id="dataexample"]',0),1), 'Value') endif </script> <script runat="server" language="javascript"> Platform.Load( …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
1 vote

Converting a custom xml attribute to a useable AMPscript valuue

0 then set @entryType = Field(Row(BuildRowsetFromXML(@OrderAsXML, '//order/custom-attributes/custom-attribute[@attribute-id="entryType"]',0),1), 'Value') endif ]]% There are several sites for XML
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
0 votes

Using AMPScript to pull in RSS feed content in SFMC

@isXML, @nodes, @rowCount Set @xml = HTTPGet("", false, 0, @CallStatus) set @xml = Replace(@xml, "dscblog:","") output(concat("<br>Call Status: ", @CallStatus … )) if indexOf(@xml,"<channel>") > 0 then set @nodes = BuildRowsetFromXML(@xml,"/rss/channel/item",0) set @rowCount = rowcount(@nodes) output(concat("<br>rowCount: ", @rowCount)) if @rowCount …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
2 votes

How to sort line items by OrderLineStatus in XML when AMPScript is looping?

If you only want to show sections with results, then you have to check the rowcount() to determine if a node exists in your XML -- just like you do in all of your other conditionals. … Here's a simple example of the AMPScript side: %%[ set @xml = AttributeValue("xml") Set @xslt = GetPortfolioItem("OrderConfirmation") Set @l = Length(@xslt) set @regionRowSet = BuildRowSetFromXML …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
1 vote

XML and AMPscript -- how do I "BuildRowSetFromString" using data from my API post?

First, you'll need to build a rowset from the XML and iterate through the nodes. Looks like one of the node values will contain the pipe-delimited string. … I added a <part> node in your XML so I could reference it in the BuildRowSetFromXML() function. There may be a simpler way to reference it. …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
0 votes

RSS feed via Ampscript (with earlier sample code failing)

@xml = HTTPGet("", false, 0, @CallStatus) /* strip out invalid elements if needed */ /* set @xml = Replace(@xml, "dscblog:","") */ output(concat("<br>",now(1))) output … (concat("<br>Call Status: ", @CallStatus)) if indexOf(@xml,"<channel>") > 0 then set @nodes = BuildRowsetFromXML(@xml,"/rss/channel/item",0) set @rowCount = rowcount(@nodes) output(concat("<br …
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k

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