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Questions tagged [fileupload]

For questions related to the lightning:fileupload component

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Download a file from Salesforce storage with CLI possible?

We need to transfer a lot of files (images, PDFs and so on) from Salesforce native storage to another storage, like Google Drive or Google Cloud Storage. I've found the command that let me upload a ...
fabmeyer's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I change the button label for lightning-file-upload?

I created a file upload function using lightning-file-upload, but the buttons display as Upload Files I would like to change these labels to Sales Tax. Is there a way to do this? <lightning-...
SFDC Beginner's user avatar
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Upload file in omniscript

I am trying to save a file using content document link. I have used post data raptor and map the fields. My file is also getting uploaded in the related object's file. But I am getting this error ...
1DS20EC193_Siddhant singh's user avatar
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Deleting uploaded files using a custom delete button

I have a custom lwc component to upload files to a record. I used Lightning file upload for this. And after files are uploaded I show them in the form of a datatable with a download button for every ...
Vijay Babu's user avatar
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Only Trigger Apex when File is not uploaded via chatter feed on Case

I have an apex trigger that creates a Chatter post on a case when a file is uploaded to that case. The code is working perfectly fine, the issue is I want to be able to restrict this code to only run ...
greglorious_85's user avatar
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Does Files configuration in Digital Experience have any effect on files uploaded via Apex?

I wonder if this setting in Digital Experience > Administration > Preferences section has any effect on files uploaded via Apex (using lightning-input type="file" and base64 encoded ...
Eduard's user avatar
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Using Multi-Part API Create Document in Salesforce Given Max File Size Error

I am trying to upload file to my Salesforce Instance using REST API documented here: ...
Jessica Sun's user avatar
5 votes
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400 Bad Request for lightning-file-upload on Summer 24 Orgs

We have a basic lightning web component that allows guest user to upload file through a public site on Salesforce for couple of our customers. Starting from this morning we noticed Summer 24 orgs that ...
tugce's user avatar
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How to let external users upload files when compiling a form

we need to know if is it possible with Salesforce (we have an Enterprise Edition) to create a Form, accessible to not logged users, where we will ask some infos, and, through this form, let those ...
Alex I's user avatar
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InvalidNumber File Import Errors when using "number" field type

I set up a daily automation to pull in a file import from an SFTP folder. For some reason, Marketing Cloud will not accept the columns as a "number" data type. We rounded the numbers to ...
Elise's user avatar
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How to display a list of attachments that are related with a record?

I am looking for a solution to display a list of attachments that are related with a record without allowing the user to delete the existing files and preventing him from uploading files in this ...
Lut's user avatar
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Upload Images to Mkt Cloud Content Builder using a form in a Landing page

I'm using a form on a Mkt Cloud landing page that uploads images to the content builder. To give you context, when the client uploads an image, we are storing other variables that are input in the ...
Hugo Martins's user avatar
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Uploading Content as a new version via LWC File Upload

I am trying to provide a custom interface for uploading a new version of a file in Experience Cloud. I know folks have asked this before, but with the ability to add a custom field to file upload, I ...
BritishBoyinDC's user avatar
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File Privacy on Records field is not visible in Edit File details opened from row actions in Related Files

I've included File Privacy on Records field to ContentVersion object layout and it is shown everywhere except when I click "View All" on Files related list on record page and then "Edit ...
dobra_wodka's user avatar
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Screen Flow: File Upload Component: Salesforce Mobile

I have a screen flow that is using a file upload component, that is working from the browser. When I try to test through the standard mobile app, I am not able to upload files to a related object. I'...
Moe's user avatar
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Unable to upload file in chat using API and postman

My goal is to upload the file from my custom widget, whenever agent request for fill upload. When agent request file upload from salesforce chat, I am trying to upload file from postman by hitting ...
Rahul Kesharwani's user avatar
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Which SLDS CSS code is used to hide error text on file upload pop up?

Our client's Experience Cloud site has some CSS code that another consultant implemented, but since I cannot get in touch with them, I hope any of you can help me out. I am trying to figure out how to ...
Mille_B's user avatar
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User assigned with Read-only permission set group can upload files

In my org there is a permission set group called ReadOnlyFundingOpportunity with the following permission sets: ReadOnlyFundingOpp on the FundingOpportunity object. I assumed a user assigned with ...
ash's user avatar
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ContentDocumentLink Trigger successfully blocks file upload on Org but fails in Dev Console

I want to block file uploads (ContentDocumentLink) on a FundingOpportunity object when status is Canceled or Closed. It works fine in the org, but it fails when I tried it on Dev console. A File is ...
ash's user avatar
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Concern with "modify all data" permission to upload a new version of a file

As per the documentation regarding Upload a New Version of a File, the note section says that Only file owners, collaborators, and users with the Modify All Data permission can upload new versions of ...
Arpan Sharma's user avatar
-1 votes
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Attach file stored in ContentVersion object to ServiceNow Incident

I'm writing an integration in Salesforce where users can create an Incident in ServiceNow from within Salesforce. I'm able to create the Incident fine from Salesforce. I need to be able to attach a ...
AUEagle2005's user avatar
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Unable to Upload Files of Lightning Flow launched by Visualforce

We are using Visualforce override page for New Case Action that is triggering Lightning Screen Flow via Lightning Out. The Lightning Runtime in Visualforce Page was Rendered according to Salesforce ...
Vasyl Poidynets's user avatar
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Upload File Content via LWC to Apex

I am trying to build a Custom JSON to Records Import from a Record List view page. On the Click of a Button or Action Link, a File Upload should be displayed in a modal Lightning modal and the Blob ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
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Image limits in Content builder

I found that there is a limit on the size of the image (5 MB) in Content builder But is there any limit on ...
Tom's user avatar
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File size limits in Content builder

To Content Builder, I can upload video file up to 5 MB per file: But how do you increase this limit? For ...
Tom's user avatar
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How do I increase the max size of files that can be uploaded with AuraClient?

We are trying to upload files with the AuraClient. Getting error: auraclientinputexception max message parameter length. The limit is even smaller in our sandbox server (3MB or so) Is there a way ...
Clay Nichols's user avatar
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div onclick get id returning random numbers

Context: I have a dynamic number of lightning field upload and i'd like to know from which i'm uploading so i can tag the files to a certain file upload. and there can be a lot more. For each file ...
Julien Souchi's user avatar
2 votes
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Filereader.readasDataUrl is not throwing error when file is uploaded through lightning-file-upload

I have an LWC component which takes xlsx/xlsm file as input and sends the file data to an API as input. Initially, I used lightning-input with type=file which is working as expected for files <3MB ...
Chinni Vishnu Kalyan's user avatar
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File Content is missing while uploading as multipart/form-data using FETCH API

I am trying to upload file to contentversion object using javascript with the help of FETCH API. I'm able to upload the file successfully but the content is not displaying. Please find the form ...
Raja Sabarish's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I create custom addError message in ContentVersion trigger?

I have a trigger that will prevent the user to upload file but the error message in ContentVersion is being overridden by Lightning. How can I create a custom error message? trigger CDTrigger on ...
ratRiot01's user avatar
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How does After Trigger works when using addError in ContentVersion object? Is the file successfully uploaded or not?

I have a custom object with related files in a page layout. Now if user click the 'Upload files', I want to prevent user to upload a file. Seems like I cannot use 'before trigger' because I cannot ...
ratRiot01's user avatar
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'Upload files or drop files' to 'Upload file or drop file'

How can I change the 'Upload files or drop files' text to 'Upload file or drop file'. When I am allowing single file upload in lightning-input component.
Akshita Gupta's user avatar
3 votes
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Unable to upload a file in login flow

Is there a known issue with file upload in flow login? Because, I don't have problems in upload a file with the same flow attached to a record page, but when is inside a login flow the same flow is ...
Wiidialga18's user avatar
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Salesforce: Read email attachments on file upload LWC

I used lightning-file-upload to allow Users to upload files. Now, one of the use cases is, if the file is an email (.msg file type), we need to split the attachments and upload them as individual ...
SFDev's user avatar
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How to Jest file upload

I am stuck with Jest testing of file resize/upload logic. This is a simple job to resize uploaded image and add it to the Notes & Attachments based on recordId. It is not a production code - it ...
Alex__c's user avatar
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Upload file in child and submit in Parent

I have lightning-input tag with type as file in Child component, and I am making use of this child component in Parent component which contains Submit button. So when the user clicks on submit , file ...
Venkat's user avatar
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System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Linked Entity]: [Linked Entity]

Updated the code here. I am trying to override the standard file upload button functionality. I have created a lwc on a VF page and overrode the 'Upload files' button in FILEs object. As soon as we ...
Dusk123's user avatar
-1 votes
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How Salesforce manage attachment while sending an email from record detail page under activity? [closed]

I am curious to know, how Salesforce manage attachments which we add while sending an email from activity. Does Salesforce stores those files somewhere in hidden objects and use them once we click on ...
Rajneesh R's user avatar
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How can I map the Upload / attachment to a custom field of a custom object in surveys?

I have below requirement. We are not getting upload/Attachment related questions while mirroring the questions to custom object fields. I am creating a survey. I have a survey questions which contains ...
vamsi's user avatar
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LWC - Upload canvas image(.jpg, .png) file to the server(person account)

I'm trying to make a functionality where I would like to allow users to save the captured images to the server. The general idea is: Capture/Create an image on an HTML5 canvas using a button and When ...
Ian Lee's user avatar
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Is it possible to have folders under the Opportunity / Notes & Files tab?

I tried to find out if it's possible to create folders where files can be stored, but all I can find is having the "File" tab separate and accessing the folders there through Libraries. Once ...
Anna Spasova's user avatar
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LWC - Rename file before upload JS to Apex

I want to automatically change/update the name of a file as it's uploaded. I'm accepting files as these formats only get acceptedFormats() { return ['.pdf', '.png','.jpg','.jpeg']; } So for ...
Ian Lee's user avatar
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Max file size to upload to database when using input type file is not 4.5 MB

Max file size in 4500000 bytes which is almost equal to 4.3Mb not 4.5 Mb I see many blog wrote as 4.5 Mb Using input type file is not allowing to save 4.5 MB but it is allowing upto 4.3 MB Is my ...
RaJu's user avatar
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Salesforce Flow File Upload component get outputs before Next button

I have a flow on a community site (guest user context) using the standard file upload component to allow users to submit files. Since guest users can't access Opportunities and I need to link these ...
PatMcClellan__c's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is Heroku Ephemeral File System where I can write to $HOME and /tmp?

For Heroku Ephemeral File System, I read in other posts that the location where I can write to are $HOME and /tmp? Also, does anyone know how I can view files saved in Heroku Ephemeral File System?
123456's user avatar
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Test class for an Apex class with ContentDocumentLink [duplicate]

I have written a LWC component for file upload using ContentDocumentLink and it is completed. Right now I am writing a test class for the Apex class. Apex class: public with sharing class Sitevisit{ ...
JK123's user avatar
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Experience Site: Lightning-file-upload Issue

I have created an unauthenticated LWR experience site and added a simple LWC component. The component contains a lightning-file-upload component. If I upload a file using it, the component disappears ...
SFDC_BigDog's user avatar
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Upload file : File Selector style

Is there a method to delete the Or drop Files and change the Upload Files with Upload Picture ? <lightning-layout-item style="width:35%"> <lightning-spinner if:...
mary snh's user avatar
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how to disable Lightning button after file upload in LWC

I have a lwc page where users can upload files in an object. I have a requirement the import button need to be enabled only if the file is not uploaded yet , but if it is uploaded succesfully i should ...
mary snh's user avatar
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Upload picture using LWC (Lightning Web Components) : problem to get Result

I have created an LWC for a file uploader to upload pictures to a custom header . What I want to do next is display the picture that was just uploaded and make it visible in my header . Does anyone ...
mary snh's user avatar