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Questions tagged [ruby-on-rails]

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Heroku Database Detached

I am new to Heroku and have deployed an application recently. It worked for a week before breaking. The issue lies on something related to Heroku. I see the following activity in Heroku. api-...
OdaTruth's user avatar
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Heroku ECONNREFUSED with most console commands

I'm on Ubuntu 20, working on a Rails 6.05 project with a Postgres DB. I've succesfully created a Heroku app using heroku create appname and then deployed the Rails app using git push heroku master. ...
pinkfloyd90's user avatar
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How I can find out the name of Query?

Currently I am working on a project that I am to connect my company's application to salesforce account. Now, in order to know about salesforce, I am trying a tutorial of quick start. And according to ...
Abel's user avatar
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{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"invalid assertion"} I want to send post request to Salesforce [closed]

I am trying to send post request to salesforce for Oauth by using JWT and I wrote it like the one below, but I got an error that says {"error":"invalid_grant","...
Abel's user avatar
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JWT authentication parameter error

I am currently working on the project that I am going to integrate the application of my company and salesforce. In my case, it seemed that using the JWT for authentication is better. So, I wanted to ...
Abel's user avatar
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Getting "has established a session, but no BAYEUX_BROWSER cookie present" When Connecting To Platform Events Channel

I am working with this Ruby library ( to connect to Salesforce's Platform Events. Here is my code: do client.subscribe '/event/My_Event', ...
Muaad's user avatar
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Get list of contacts associated with an opportunity

I created a ruby on rails service that emails a list of contacts when an opportunity is closed. To do this, I am trying to get all contacts associated with the Opportunity that was just closed. ...
Rigs's user avatar
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Staggered query of Salesforce bulk api from Ruby

I'm trying to do a staggered query using the Bulk API from a RoR app since the filter (WHERE App_Id__c IN :listOfIds) I'm using is over 4000 chars. The list of IDs I'm filtering on is quite long, so ...
McD's user avatar
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Updating record from Ruby on Rails to Salesforce

I'm using a Ruby gem that utilizes the Salesforce Bulk API and a few sidekiq workers to update records within Salesforce and am running into a UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW error. The issue stems from the ...
McD's user avatar
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Salesforce Bulk API Unable to lock row

I'm currently using the Salesforce Bulk API within a Rails app to update a custom object in Salesforce. This works fine when I send a single record through, but when I batch in sets of 200, I get ...
McD's user avatar
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Why would I be getting redirected on an authentication request (Rails app)?

tl;dr - I'm confused about a) why I can't access the our new Sandbox form the API and b) why rather than getting an authorisation error I'm getting redirected. We've just set up a new SF sandbox, and ...
Arepo's user avatar
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Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records

I have developed a Rails app with FuelSDK-Ruby gem which will create / update the Data Extension records in Marketing Cloud. On updating the records in Data Extension, Marketing Cloud responds with ...
Gokul's user avatar
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What are the charges if I host my chatbot in apps exchange

I have build a chatbot on python, what would be the cost to host it on Salesforce Apps Exchange
Robonomics AI's user avatar
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Invalid JSON format

I am using JSON.Serialize to generate JSON from Apex class object then sending JSON request to Ruby on RAILS but I'm getting invalid JSON format because SALESFORCE is sending JSON with escape ...
Ramesh's user avatar
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Alternative for event machines to process pushTopics?

We have a Ruby app which has a continuously running Rake task which listens for Salesforce pushTopics using the gem Restforce (and Faye). The Restforce gem is compatible with an older version of Faye (...
L. Bergen's user avatar
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Need inputs on analyzing rails code snippet for generating HMAC-SHA256 string in apex

I am trying to do an HMAC-SHA256 signature calculation in apex , but couldn't find clear instructions from the service provider on how to generate a request string for creating an HMAC-Signature. But ...
Rajasekhar's user avatar
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Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect (Marketing cloud FuelSDK)

Since, yesterday I am getting SSL error when trying to access Marketing cloud APIs using FuelSDK-Ruby. It keep on throwing the two errors SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read ...
Gokul's user avatar
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Rails Restforce - Unable to access custom fields / objects

Im using the restforce gem to access my salesforce data. Im receiving errors whenever i try to acess any custom fields or objects. For example: I have a custom field Gender in my Contact object. ...
rohaldb's user avatar
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FuelSDK Create Triggered Send API failing with error code 2

I tried to create a triggered send definition, but it's failing. The same code worked with a different account. Is it possible that the new account has Triggered Sends disabled somehow (is that is ...
Scott Stafford's user avatar
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Nightly server job to put contacts in Salesforce - Use restforce gem with jwt bearer token authentication in rails application

I have a marketing site for my company and prospective clients will fill up a form to show interest. Now I need to put these people as contacts in my salesforce org. So want to create a rails job ...
Amit Kulkarni's user avatar
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How to send a single-send email via exacttarget API via Ruby / Rails

My goal is to send an email to our [email protected] email address when someone fills out our contact us form. We were previously using sendgrid, but have switched over to using Salesforce ...
stytown's user avatar
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How does query() API call count against my daily limit?

My organization is hitting the daily API call limit and -in order to optimize our use of Salesforce- I'm trying to understand how Salesforce counts API calls. The count for REST methods is pretty ...
lsdr's user avatar
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Enable Lead field history tracking via api

I am using ruby gem restforce for salesforce api implementation. I am not finding a way to enable the Lead history tracking using api. Where as I can retreive the history if enabled from dashboard. ...
jbmyid's user avatar
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Get record count using restforce

I'm running this query with restforce gem: SCHEDULER.every '2m' do |job| synergy = results results = client.query("SELECT Count(Id) FROM Opportunity Where Type='New Business'") send_event('...
Mike's user avatar
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Restricting users to access rails app authenticated via Salesforce

We are having a rails app and the authentication is based on Salesforce OAuth. Salesforce OAuth is used as our app requires salesforce objects. When we create a connected app in salesforce and use it ...
Samuel Alexander's user avatar
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Undefined default value for custom accounts fields

I have a custom field in accounts section of salesforce. As far as I have seen under its configuration, there is no default value set for this field but whenever a new account is created, the value is ...
Gagandeep Singh's user avatar
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How to set Local Time when creating lead through API

I have a rails app that needs to occasionally add leads to our salesforce account. I got it to work just fine using the databasedotcom gem. Just one thing isn't working correctly, when I add a lead ...
robins35's user avatar
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API Call Count Limit with Ruby on Rails App

We have a Ruby on Rails application that query data from Salesforce and displays the data to about 5 different public static pages. Our daily limit of API call is 15000. We have about 1000 users ...
Anthony Gawon Lee's user avatar
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How to escape Salesforce search query

I'm using the Salesforce ruby gem to do the following"FIND {#{@email}}") @email returns the user's email address. During testing, I had an email address like [email protected] ...
user3827303's user avatar
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Mapping Rails app users with Salesforce Contact records

I have a rails app connecting to Salesforce through restforce gem. I am trying to map Rails users with Salesforce contact records—so when they log in to my rails app it pulls the record from ...
Anthony Gawon Lee's user avatar
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How best to secure client_id + secret using - Rails + Restforce

I've successfully managed to set up an app using my developer account - it is currently making use of Ruby on Rails 4.2.beta2, ejholmes most excellent gem restforce and the very helpful tutorial and ...
Huw's user avatar
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What is the best way to handle an Outbound Message with Ruby on Rails?

I have an outbound message being set into a Ruby on Rails Application. What is the best way to handle an incoming message? I have read a few posts that suggest using a gem such as Savon to handle the ...
delasare's user avatar
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Rails form that saves data to Salesforce and local DB

I have a user registration form that requires certain fields to be saved to different locations. Fields such as email and name need to be used to create a new salesforce object (Account). Email, ...
Questifer's user avatar
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User signup Exact Target (Ruby)

I have been trying to find examples of using the Savon gem with Rails to connect to the SOAP endpoint. Before Exact Target recomended the Fuel SDK but this doesn't seem to be supported anymore. It ...
corbanb's user avatar
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Issues with a Query within the main Query using DatabaseDotcom Ruby gem

I'm having a issue with pulling the data out of what would be a array of object data in my SFDC query. Im using the databasedotcom gem. Code def self.data_query #@client is defined at a class ...
Jaison Brooks's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails Example

I have a Rails app from which I would like to convert a lead and merge it with an existing account. Does anyone have some sample code using Ruby? I have found C# and Java examples and understand the ...
cdubya's user avatar
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Using Restforce gem with SalesForce API and Oauth 2.0

I'm trying to use Restforce ( to set up integration with my Rails app to SalesForce's API using Oauth 2.0. Restforce describes the initialization process as ...
indigo's user avatar
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cannot update custom salesforce object with databasedotcom and databasedotcom-rails gems

I am attempting to use the databasedotcom and databasedotcom-rails gems as part of an app I'm building in ruby on rails and for some reason I am getting an error when attempting to update custom ...
tonkadu's user avatar
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Filter Not Working For List

I'm trying to start using the Fuel SDK in Rails, but I can't seem to get a simple filter to work. Retrieving without a filter works fine, and returns the whole set (all 36 or whatever lists). I need ...
Rails Developer's user avatar
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Problem using Salesforce API over OAuth with Rails

I use the databasedotcom gem, and at first everything works fine (I am able to list Salesforce resources and perform queries on them), but then at random it drops the connection and gives me ...
Vestimir Markov's user avatar
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Best way to manage Custom Object layouts through API?

I have a Ruby on Rails application. I am asking the user for the object name that they use for invoices, i.e. "Invoice__c". With use of the metaforce gem the app creates the field "PDF_Link__c" on ...
mpiccolo's user avatar
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REST API: How to retrieve active values for picklist?

I am trying to access just the "Selected" picklist values for a field using the REST API via the databasedotcom Ruby gem. In the normal SFDC interface, a user can navigate to "Campaigns > Record ...
user540146's user avatar
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What's the best gem for calling into a Salesforce org from a Ruby on Rails app?

I am going to be doing some work connecting a Ruby on Rails app into a Salesforce org to create some new data. Right now there isn't any complex logic, just straight forward data sending into SFDC. ...
jordan.baucke's user avatar