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Capture email address from an email send and send the email to a Cloud Page

I have an email from email studio go to a group of contacts. The name of the data extension is called "SmartCapture". On the email, when a person clicks the submit button, he or she will ...
Greg Noble's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud - detecting device inside email

is it possible to detect the device inside my marketing cloud email. I want to know if it is an android or an iOs. If it was not an email, I would use javascript client side this way: https://...
eeadev's user avatar
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AMPScript variables from file

I will need a few AMPScript variables in a template. The same variables will be used in several templates thought I would write a file that populates them and use some include function the way one ...
user682217's user avatar
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Is it possible to get personalization strings when pulling content from DE with Server-side JavaScript in emails?

I'm trying to use server-side JS to dynamically write variables based on the column headers of a data extension for an email. Then fill those variables with the row contents of those field headers. I ...
George's user avatar
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