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Questions tagged [ie-11]

Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) is the last version of the Internet Explorer web browser by Microsoft.

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1 answer

Salesforce Active Logged In User Browser in User Report

I ran a report in Salesforce to find what browsers are used by Active Users with a logged in date filter of Today. I always use Chrome, never IE. On my windows 10, under setup > Control Panel, the ...
-1 votes
1 answer

In IE11 lightning component is not loading. Error(Component class instance initialization error [Expected identifier, string or number])

In IE, a lightning component is not loading. Getting error like "Component class instance initialization error [Expected identifier, string or number]" I checked all attributes and not found issue ...
1 vote
1 answer

SLDS style show weird in IE-11 after upgrade to Winter 21

After upgrade to Winter 21, I found Lightning Design System show weird in IE-11. Please see follow image. And this is my code. <apex:page sidebar="false" lightningStylesheets="true&...
0 votes
3 answers

Is IE-11 still supported Lightning Experience?

According to Salesforce Document about supported Browser, Salesforce will end IE-11 Lightning Experience at 2020/12/31. But today, when I login my Org with IE-11, I still can change to Lightning ...
4 votes
0 answers

LWC @wire order of execution not working for ie11

I have implemented a lightning web component (lwc) that shows a dependent picklist field To load a dependent picklist in lwc I use @wire with getPicklistValues and because getPicklistValues requires ...
0 votes
1 answer

Any update about support for ES6+ on orgs with extended IE11 support

For SF orgs on which extended support for IE11 is enabled, this means that IE11 support is valid until 31 December 2020 (which is almost 1 year from now). Is there any update about possible support ...
0 votes
1 answer

Lightning Component in Flow Screen using IE11

I'm using a lightning component in a screen flow, in chrome it works, but not in IE11. Anyone has any Idea?
0 votes
1 answer

Has anyone else seen this? Single click on custom button triggers Apex method twice

In our system we have a custom button on a standard Account detail window that calls an Apex method to create a pre-filled Opportunity. In our environment, where Internet Explorer 11 runs inside a ...
1 vote
0 answers

jsforce Apex REST call fails in IE11 only. ES6 Promise support issue?

I am calling a custom Apex REST endpoint from JS in a custom VF component within a VF page using the jsforce library, and everything works as expected in Edge, Chrome, Firefox, but not IE11. It seems ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is there any predefined global function in Lightning Component to detect IE 11 browser?

I'm looking for a way to identify if client browser is IE 11 or any other browser. Can anyone suggest how can I do this kind of detection? I'm familiar with $Browser.formFactor global function in ...
0 votes
1 answer

Custom SVG Icons in IE 11 inside Lightning Component not rendering

I know this has been asked a lot and with revamped extended IE 11 support for Lightning by Salesforce, the issue with SVG icons in Lightning Component arise again. I've been through the forum ...