I'm using a lightning component in a screen flow, in chrome it works, but not in IE11.

Anyone has any Idea?

1 Answer 1


IMPORTANT Support for Internet Explorer 11 to access Lightning Experience is retiring beginning in Summer ’16. You can continue to use IE11 to access Lightning Experience until December 16, 2017. If you opt in to Extended Support for IE11, you can continue to use IE11 to access Lightning Experience until December 31, 2020. IE11 has significant performance issues in Lightning Experience. It is strongly recommended that you do not use Internet Explorer 11 with Community Builder. This change doesn’t impact Salesforce Classic.


Aura Components support the same browsers as Lightning Experience.

So, it is better not to consider IE11 at all.

  • I did activate the opt for supporting IE11, and nothing is changed, the lightning component doesn't work in the flow.
    – Mo Hamada
    Commented Aug 1, 2019 at 10:58

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