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Advance Approval API call for bulk records

Has anyone worked on or has idea about the calling Advance Approval APIs for bulk records? The goal is to Submit multiple records for Approval, with current SBAA.ApprovalAPI's we can call it only for ...
Pratik Lunagariya's user avatar
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Reject Reason and Task Assigned

Wondering if you could help me with an issue I'm having. I need to create a picklist value that states what department the rejected agreement will go back to (if it is infact rejected). Once the ...
Gina Kalamaris's user avatar
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Global Search is able to find the records while advanced search is returning zero records- Is this Salesforce Bug

I have looking for account using account number field which is unique in each account. Global Search is able to find the record while advance search is saying no record. Is this salesforce bug or any ...
David Mycka's user avatar
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How to create a version formula?

I need some help with a version formula. I have 2 types of formula Version_ID (This number express the id of the Custom_object__c) Progression_Version (This number express the progression of the ...
Maronno_mio's user avatar
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Trigger on Manage Currency

I am having a requirement in which if a user create a record of manage currency(Setup > Company Profile > Manage Currencies) after creation of the record a custom object record should also be created. ...
Nitin Panchal's user avatar
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Currency Conversion wrong [duplicate]

I'm trying to populate the sum(total selling price)of child object on to the "total order item value"{currecny data type field} of parent object. Here is the code trigger Rollup on OSF_Order_Items__c ...
Sindoora's user avatar
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