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Questions tagged [cpq]

Salesforce CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) is a tool that can be used to automate sales activities to produce quotes, including guided selling. This was formerly Steelbrick.

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How to create a CPQ Promotion Product with dynamic Time Intervals and discount %?

I'm trying to create a Promotion Product that can be applied for a Product bundle in the quoting process, at the same time that allows the Sales rep to enter a dynamic discount period and %, more than ...
Revathi s's user avatar
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CPQ: Refresh Quote Prices as triggering action

When clicking "Refresh Prices" on a Quote, and ultimately refreshing the prices, is this action reflected in any field on the Quote (or other object)? Or is this action timestamped or "...
Sebastian's user avatar
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SBQQ CPQ - To throw an validation when two configuration attributes are same

I am trying to implement a validation rule that triggers on Save in the Configurator screen. I have two Configuration Attributes (Origin and Destination). When both values are the same, I want to ...
Rahul Allada's user avatar
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Calculating Quote Line Fields Vice-Versa

Struggling with getting a solution to work for this use case - I have two fields - Sell_Price__c and Margin_Percentage__c, I want them to be able to update each other if updated, ie if the Sell Price ...
JayKayDee's user avatar
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Quantity of Products in Segmentation in Salesforce CPQ

I have a question about how quantity works when it comes to fully segmented products. In a normal scenario, when there is no change in the product quantity during configuration, the product quantity ...
Noops's user avatar
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How to populate Configuration Attribute value to Product Option on Configurator

I'm trying to have a Price Rule update a Product Option field based on that value populated and be visible in the Configurator. I've create a configuration attribute with a value that will match the ...
Betty He's user avatar
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How to navigate back to CPQ quote line editor from LWC custom action

We are opening a lwc component with in Quote line editor, with the help of custom actions, not on finish button click on LWC, we want to close the pop up and navigate back to quote line editor screen, ...
C Cha's user avatar
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Tool low/no code for non regression testing of salesforce application

I have developed a salesforce app with very long processes. Is there any tool that can help me to automate my non regression tests without any code or script or the least possible amount of it. Thank ...
Aris's user avatar
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How to Set Up an Approval Rule Based on the Last Segment's Seat Count in Salesforce CPQ?

I need to create an approval rule for a specific product related to dimension in Salesforce CPQ that triggers an approval process if the last segment in a Multi-Deal Quote (MDQ) configuration has a ...
Pavan tej's user avatar
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Quotes creation in Apex

I am writing a code to create Quote Record in Apex. There is a field on Quote -> Price Book. When I tried to set it using specific Price Book Id in Apex before inserting it is setting it Price Book ...
Rahul's user avatar
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Validation rule blocking creation of amendments

I have created this validation rule where a check box should not be editable on amendment quotes whether you add a new product or edit an existing one. But this is blocking me from creating amendment ...
Shnouli 's user avatar
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Salesforce CPQ - Asynchronous processing of QCP and price rules resulting in incorrect ACV calculations

We have a scenario where changing the Billing Country outside QLE triggers the Price Rule to set the Partner Discount at QL, which is then used to set the Net Total at QL. In parallel, the QCP script ...
Mohammad Anis's user avatar
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Covering Test Class for TriggerHandler on QuoteLine with Renewal Quote Logic in Salesforce CPQ

I created a TriggerHandler on QuoteLine with logic handling renewal quotes and associated objects, which works as expected. However, covering this functionality in a test class is posing a challenge. ...
Sahil Tatkare's user avatar
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I want to make sure a logic in QCP run only when Save Or Calculate Button Clicked on QLE

I am working with Salesforce CPQ and I have a requirement to ensure that my QCP (Quote Calculator Plugin) logic only runs when the user clicks the 'Save' or 'Calculate' buttons on the QLE (Quote Line ...
Mayank's user avatar
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Salesforce CPQ Price Rule keeps on reverting value edited on quote line field

We currently have a price rule that sets a value in the quote line whenever a certain record type is used for a quote, however when we try to change the value of the field the it keeps getting ...
Cancel Ed's user avatar
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Unlocked Packages - Post-Install Infrastructure Design Patterns

Background This question is seeking to gain a better understanding on how we should and can implement unlocked second-generation packages to build modular applications on Salesforce. The primary ...
Doodool_Tala's user avatar
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Create CRM Analytics and CPQ Enabled Developer Edition

I usually drop a query here if I don't have answers anywhere else. Problem statement: I want to create some use cases that involves the usage of cpq and crma (crma analytics). Salesforce allows only ...
MnZ's user avatar
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Conga: Merging multiple quotes into 1 order form

Use case: I want to amend multiple active contracts on one Account while keeping their distinct dates (not co-terming). The problem is I have to manually merge the documents so the customer can see ...
SMAdmin's user avatar
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Quote Line Group Field in Order Object always coming as null before or after insert Triggers

I want to display the values of the Subscription Vendor Name and Delivery Mode fields in the Order object. The logic is as follows: When the order is created, it should check the Quote Line Group (...
Vivek Reddy's user avatar
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"Clone with related" button does not work on Product page

We are facing an issue when trying to clone a Product with ist related lists. It is a CPQ button : (Button or Link URL /apex/SBQQ__CloneProductChildren?id={!Product2.Id}) It is strange because ...
AFConsulting's user avatar
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CPQ Custom Script Running User Id

I am working in new functionalities to enforce the isFieldEditableForObject / isFieldVisibleForObject . Is there a way on the JS CPQ custom script code to get the current running user id? I ...
l13's user avatar
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Permission Set Assignment for non-admin users in Test Class for CPQ objects

I have read a lot about my issue but can't seem to overcome it. I need to write what I thought was a simple test class for Salesforce CPQ quotes. I need to be able to run the test as users of two ...
Carryonplease's user avatar
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BillingCity field in not available for selection in Quote Object

I'm configuring the default Search layout in Quote layout to have BillingCity field but am not able to find this field in Available fields section to move it to selected fields. I've attached the ...
hash's user avatar
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Hide an individual Product (not a bundle component) in CPQ Quote Line Editor

I'm trying to hide products from the selection list in the CPQ QLE when certain conditions are met. These are not components of bundles, just products. I have a Product Rule that triggers a Validation ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Converting Discount (Amt) to Discount % in Amendment Quote

I have a doubt can anyone please solve it? In salesforce cpq, QLE, In Amendment Quote, If the product is already having Discount(Amt) in the main Quoteline, In Amendment it should be converted as ...
Sahana Devadas's user avatar
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Is there a way to trigger a Product Rule evaluation when a Quote Line record is deleted?

tl;dr - Can apex triggers or another automatic process be set up to fire CPQ Product Rules when a Quote Line record is deleted? Background Our org has Product Rules set up that add certain products to ...
Jwok's user avatar
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CPQ: Can a Product be set up to be sold exclusively as part of a bundle?

Using CPQ, Is it possible to set up a Product so that it can be sold as part of a bundle while preventing it from being sold as a stand-alone item? For example, I have product A which has Product B ...
Jwok's user avatar
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Loading PricebookEntry records via Bulk v2 API using Postman

Trying to get a bulk api 2 job working to upsert records for the PricebookEntry object in Salesforce CPQ. The following is the contents of csv file. ITEM_id__c,Pricebook2.ITEM_id__c,IsActive,UnitPrice,...
user9035826's user avatar
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Close a CPQ custom action popup that has an embeded LWC

I have a CPQ custom action on the Quote Line Editor, this opens a VF page which embeds an LWC. My setup is the same as this:
jbard's user avatar
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Salesforce CPQ custom calculation based on custom fields

Does anyone know how to use custom fields of a custom object in a price rule? For example, I have the Living Area number field. If someone now clicks on “Calculate”, the number of products should ...
Salesforce_FreeLancer's user avatar
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Salesforce CPQ - Hiding Additional Discount field in QLE

Whenever we have a products of product family software and another Product family of hardware , the additional discount field should be hidden for the hardware when we add software products ? How can ...
praneeth's user avatar
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Update Approval Status field as null for new cloned quote

I created a flow that updates the Approval Status as blank and Status as 'Draft' for newly created Cloned Quotes. I put the starting condition of the flow as below :- This seems to work fine for some ...
Vinay Jagwani's user avatar
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Based on these configuration attribute values need to select the product with same values

I have implemented three fields within the product interface, specifically for indicating the device type, engine type, and model year selection. Additionally, I have established a configuration ...
nss v's user avatar
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Set the Search Filter to currency range

I have a requirement to create a Search filter with which the user can set a price range (currency field) to filter products in the Quote line editor. I have already created the filter with the ...
faouzi Ch's user avatar
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Error : unable to obtain exclusive access to this record while posting the Invoices

I have build the custom logic to post all the invoices by clicking on Lightning Button. It retrieve the Invoice Run Id and get all the invoices that are in Draft stage. I am sending in batch size of 5 ...
Tayyaba Noor's user avatar
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Conditional Terms & Conditions based on Unique Combination of SKUs

I would like to add a "Statement of Works" to an order form generated from the quotes object in Salesforce based on a unique combination of products/SKUs selected. This is not a product ...
Aylin Alkan's user avatar
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Salesforce CPQ Calculator Plugin - Get User Permissions

In the CPQ Quote Calculator Plugin, I'd like to conditionally enable editing for a specific field based on the running user's permissions (whether or not they have been assigned a specific Perm Set). ...
Jason Benkert's user avatar
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Orders stopped contracting

Our CPQ for Service Cloud is no longer creating contracts after orders are activated/contracted. Just started happening this week. We have a support ticket open, but wondering if anyone else has ...
Damon Betlow's user avatar
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Adding Filter Logic On Custom Action - Salesforce CPQ

We have a use case where in we have to filter out products based on advance condition In Custom Action , we can add search filters with index 1,2,3.... etc. Unlike in Approval Rules (Advanced Approval ...
Nachiket Deshpande's user avatar
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Additional Discount Field Is Non-Editable When Products are segmented

On Quote Line Editor, we have a custom field named "Additional Discount".(Data Type Percentage). We have added product and created two segments and we land up into an issue, where for ...
Nachiket Deshpande's user avatar
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Custom Field is Not Editable When Multiple Values are selected

We are facing one weird issue on Quote Line Editor, we have multiselect picklist with picklist values as (Sales & marketing,HR,Finance and Custom) where, if we select Custom (Picklist Value) then ...
Nachiket Deshpande's user avatar
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Salesforce CPQ - Quote Lines, Quote Line Groups, and MDQ - Visualforce Approval Email Template

Our team is looking to launch MDQ for our products in CPQ, however while this is handled seamlessly on the Quote Template end, I am struggling to make an Approval Email Template that will adequately ...
Chapin23's user avatar
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Salesforce CPQ: Update the Integration User that creates Quotes, Amendments, and Renewals

We had a person leave the company and need to turndown the user. This person had established the CPQ setup. I am looking to update the user to a dedicated integration user so that quotes, amendments, ...
Bud's user avatar
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Currency Formatting Issue in Conga Template Conditional Statements

I am encountering a problem with currency formatting in a Conga Word template while using conditional statements. The specific code snippet in question is as follows: { if "«...
hemanth kumar's user avatar
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Error: cpqCartSummaryContainer RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

as we're on an older version of Vlocity we had to do a manual upgrade from Spring 23 to Winter 24. I made all the deployment steps based on Salesforce Help but am now running into an error for which I ...
Max's user avatar
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Conflict Between Triggers on blng__Invoice__c: Billing Package vs. Custom Development

We have the Salesforce CPQ Billing package installed in our organization without any problems. Since the new Winter '24 release, we have sometimes encountered deployment errors in our org due to the ...
Badbaxx's user avatar
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CPQ - SBQQ.QuoteAfter: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object

I have a screen flow that is creating an opportunity and a quote. This flow works as expected in a lower environment. In the full sandbox, the flow fails with the below error: This error occurred when ...
Shruti's user avatar
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Salesforce CPQ inside Customer Community / Ecommerce site

My client is currentlty using a third party ecommerce site for pricing/simulation, and using Salesforce CPQ separately. He would like to replace the current custom pricer/simulator by CPQ, by adding ...
CBine's user avatar
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Referencing Setup Custom Settings Fields in Salesforce CPQ Quote Terms

I'm trying to reference a custom setting in Salesforce CPQ's quote term object, although instead of displaying what's in the field, it's just showing the formula. This is the formula {!$Setup....
Josh Bridgman's user avatar
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Throw Validation On Quote - Deal duration(Between Start date and Endate) can't be less than 1 year (or 12 months)

I want to throw Validation on Quote whenever user enters start date and end date, they should get an error if the deal duration is less than 1 year E.g. :- Start Date is 14/9/2022 and End date is 13/9/...
sonam's user avatar
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