The only way to get the Access Token from what I have experimented is by creating an apex class referencing the AuthProviderPluginClass
Using the method below from the example code:
global Auth.AuthProviderTokenResponse handleCallback(Map<string,string>
authProviderConfiguration, Auth.AuthProviderCallbackState state )
// Here, the developer will get the callback with actual protocol.
// Their responsibility is to return a new object called
// AuthProviderTokenResponse.
// This will contain an optional accessToken and refreshToken
key = authProviderConfiguration.get('Key__c');
secret = authProviderConfiguration.get('Secret__c');
accessTokenUrl = authProviderConfiguration.get('Access_Token_Url__c');
Map<String,String> queryParams = state.queryParameters;
String code = queryParams.get('code');
String sfdcState = queryParams.get('state');
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
String url = accessTokenUrl+'?code=' + code + '&client_id=' + key +
'&client_secret=' + secret;
Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
String responseBody = res.getBody();
String token = getTokenValueFromResponse(responseBody, 'Token', null);
return new Auth.AuthProviderTokenResponse('Concur', token,
'refreshToken', sfdcState);
Not sure why you want access token accessed in Auth.RegistrationHandler
as that class is meant to only handle the creation/updating of user