I am trying to get SF access token using a named credential as that is the secure way as mention here:
I am basically unable to login successfully and get the following error :
I have verified that consumer secret and key are entered right in auth provider.
My connected app oauth settings:
My authorization provider:
In my Apex:
Http h = new Http();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
I am able to authenticate the named credential. When I run it I am getting null for access token and in my error logs I see:
16:33:18.0 (26293187)|CALLOUT_REQUEST|[61]|System.HttpRequest[Endpoint=callout:Tooling_API_Credential, Method=POST]
16:33:18.119 (119057588)|NAMED_CREDENTIAL_REQUEST|NamedCallout[Named Credential Id=someID, Named Credential Name=Tooling_API_Credential, Endpoint=https://my-org.sandbox.my.salesforce.com/services/authcallback/SF_Auth_Provider, Method=POST, External Credential Type=EXTERNAL, HTTP Header Authorization=**Method: Bearer - Credential: Not set**, Content-Type=null, Request Size bytes=95, Retry on 401=True]
16:33:18.119 (119872673)|NAMED_CREDENTIAL_RESPONSE|NamedCallout[Named Credential Id=someID, Named Credential Name=Tooling_API_Credential, Status Code=302, Content-Type=null, Response Size bytes=0, Overall Callout Time ms=80, Connect Time ms=47
16:33:18.0 (126697917)|CALLOUT_RESPONSE|[61]|System.HttpResponse[Status=Found, StatusCode=302]
16:33:18.0 (126727368)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[61]|Bytes:9
16:33:18.0 (126762390)|VARIABLE_SCOPE_BEGIN|[61]|res|System.HttpResponse|true|false
16:33:18.0 (126843252)|VARIABLE_ASSIGNMENT|[61]|res|"System.HttpResponse[Status=Found, StatusCode=302]"|0x422d5269
I then looked at the redirect URL and seeing this:
What am I doing wrong?
Just a FYI I am able to click on the test only initialization url and see valid json.