I'm attempting to send messages using the REST endpoint:
I've set a "Name" property of the "To" element:
"To": {
"Address": "[email protected]",
"SubscriberKey": "[email protected]",
"Name": "Recipient Name One",
"ContactAttributes": {"SubscriberAttributes": {
"CustomSubject": "Some Custom Subject - SoapUI 1",
"CustomBody": "<p>Some Custom Body Content - SoapUI 1<\/p>"
"From": {
"Address": "[email protected]",
"Name": "Sender Name"
The messages are delivered, but the recipient name is not set.
From: "Sender Name" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Some Custom Subject - SoapUI 1
I've sent the Address pre-formatted with the name, but those messages are never received.
"To": {
"Address": "\"Recipient Name Two\" <[email protected]>",
"SubscriberKey": "[email protected]",
"ContactAttributes": {"SubscriberAttributes": {
"CustomSubject": "Some Custom Subject - SoapUI 2",
"CustomBody": "<p>Some Custom Body Content - SoapUI 2<\/p>"
"From": {
"Address": "[email protected]",
"Name": "Sender Name"
I've also tried to set the name in a contact attribute.
"To": {
"Address": "[email protected]",
"SubscriberKey": "[email protected]",
"ContactAttributes": {"SubscriberAttributes": {
"Name": "Recipient Name Three",
"CustomSubject": "Some Custom Subject - SoapUI 3",
"CustomBody": "<p>Some Custom Body Content - SoapUI 3<\/p>"
"From": {
"Address": "[email protected]",
"Name": "Sender Name"
Those messages are delivered, but the name is still not set.
From: "Sender Name" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Some Custom Subject - SoapUI 3
What I'm trying to get is:
From: "Sender Name" <[email protected]>
To: "Recipient Name Three" <[email protected]>
Subject: Some Custom Subject - SoapUI 3
Is this possible with the REST API?