I am looking for ways to bypass Stored/Reflected XSS issues that are showing up as part of CheckMarx Scan report for the arguments passed to js functions in a VF Page, given that queries in the controller class are properly sanitised with String.escapeSingleQuotes() method. Following documentations and links are being referred:-
Secure Coding Cross Site Scripting | Secure Coding Guide | Salesforce Developers
visualforce - How to fix the Stored xss error in salesforce - Salesforce Stack Exchange
Below is the js function -
function ShowContactLookup(ctrlid,accountid,addressType,contactMethod)
lookupwindow = window.open('/apex/ContactLookUpView?usefor=Contact&AccountID='+accountid+'&ctrlid='+ctrlid+'&addressType='+addressType+'&contactMethod='+ contactMethod,'ContactCustomLookup','width=750,height=600,resizable=no,toolbar=no, menubar=no,top=100,left=300,scrollbars=yes');
The following is the VF page code from where the js function is called :-
<apex:commandlink onclick="ShowContactLookup(document.getElementById('{!JSENCODE($Component.pgBlk1.pgBlk1Sec1.addtoSi.addtoAddresses)}').id, '{!JSENCODE(HTMLENCODE(accountId))}', 'ADDTO', 'Email'); return false;">{!$Label.Label_To}</apex:commandlink>
Solutions Tried to resolve Stored/Reflected XSS for similar intances of issues (which didn't work) :-
- Tried adding JSENCODE, JSINHTMLENCODE, neither worked.
- To sanitize the accountid parameter in the js function, added following custom logic :
function escapeHTML(str) { return str.replace(/[&<>"'\/]/g, function (char) { switch (char) { case '&': return '&'; case '<': return '<'; case '>': return '>'; case '"': return '"'; case "'": return '''; case '/': return '/'; default: return char; } }); }
- Implemented DOMPurify js library for HTML sanitization of the accountid parameter which was suggested in the OWASP documentation. OWASP
- Tried the encodeURIComponent method.