Lets first understand what is XSS and see what are the possible ways to prevent this
Cross-site scripting(XSS) is a vulnerability that occurs when an
attacker can insert unauthorized JavaScript, VBScript, HTML, or other
active content into a web page viewed by other users. A malicious
script inserted into a page in this manner can hijack the user’s
session, submit unauthorized transactions as the user, steal
confidential information
Mechanism provided in VF to Overcome this issue
1)Built in Auto Encoding
All merge-fields are always auto HTML encoded provided they
i)do not occur within a or tag
ii)do not occur within an apex tag with the escape='false' attribute
2)Built in VisualForce encoding functions
The platform provides the following VisualForce encoding functions:
JSENCODE -- performs string encoding within a Javascript String
HTMLENCODE -- encodes all characters with the appropriate HTML
character references so as to avoid interpretation of characters as
URLENCODE -- performs URI encoding (% style encoding) within a URL
component context
JSINHTMLENCODE -- a convenience method that is equivalent to the
composition of HTMLENCODE(JSENCODE(x))
There is a detailed article in below link
Sample example
<div onclick="this.innerHTML='Howdy {!Account.Name}'">Click me!</div>
The above is vulnerable
Lets see how we use Encode functions to rectify this
<!-- safe -->
<div onclick="this.innerHTML='Howdy {!JSENCODE(HTMLENCODE(Account.Name))}'">Click me!</div>
The above is safe since we have use HTMLENCODE AND JSENCODE to encode and hence its hard for attacker to inject script or insert iframe
For your code try like below
if('{!JSENCODE(sfield)}' !=''){
$elem.select2("data", {id: "{!JSENCODE(new)}", text: "{!JSENCODE(sfield)}"})
Edit 2
Use the String function to wrap the sfiled because JSENCODE only accepts
if('{!JSENCODE(String(sfield))}' !=''){
$elem.select2("data", {id: "{!JSENCODE(new)}", text: "{!JSENCODE(String(sfield))}"})
Here is the answer that I did refer: -