I have a request to generate unique codes through an algorithm.

  1. take a unique number from a sequence (maximum value 2 ^ 30)
  2. ZBase32 encoding is used to encrypt the number. The encoding alphabet is as follows: YBNDRFG8EJKMCPQXOT1UWISZA345H769

can you help me in case it can be done? thanks!

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    Commented Apr 28, 2021 at 14:32
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    – David Reed
    Commented Apr 28, 2021 at 14:32

1 Answer 1


A naive implementation for this would be:

static String[] baseMap = 'YBNDRFG8EJKMCPQXOT1UWISZA345H769'.split('');
public String encodeZbase32(Integer source) {
        baseMap[(source >> 25)&31] +
        baseMap[(source >> 20)&31] +
        baseMap[(source >> 15)&31] +
        baseMap[(source >> 10)&31] +
        baseMap[(source >>  5)&31] +
        baseMap[(source      )&31];
public Integer decodeZBase32(String source) {
    String[] bits = source.split('');
        (baseMap.indexOf(bits))<<25 |
        (baseMap.indexOf(bits))<<20 |
        (baseMap.indexOf(bits))<<15 |
        (baseMap.indexOf(bits))<<10 |
        (baseMap.indexOf(bits))<< 5 |

I leave it up to you to decide if you need the trailing 0 bits at the end, or any other features.

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