I have added tracking code as below:
_etmc.push(["setUserInfo", {"email": usr_Email}]);
Whenever the web form is submitted, I am capturing the email and passing it to tracking code. This works well and I do see identified visitors in IGO_PROFILES DE. I have also added only page view tracking as well on other pages so that I can capture their subsequent visits.
- I am able to view the count of Identified and Unidentified visitors by web pages in Web & Mobile Analytics Dashboard
- I can drill down to Country level to see all identified visitor from the dashboard
- I can see all identified visitors in IGO_PROFILES DE
Questions: 1. While IGO_PROFILES DE only shows visitor information, where do I see which all page were visited by the identified users? (Not in the analytics dashboard but in some DE) 2. IGO_PROFILES DE captures User Id, how to link them to the Subscriber ID?
We are not an ecommerce company neither we have web content.
I have thoght of adding Form name as an item in the _etmc.push(["trackPageView") line as _etmc.push(["trackPageView", { "item" : "MyWebForm"}]);
so that it caputres the detials in IGO_VIEWS DE but that is usually used for products and catalogs so not very much sure if this should be the approach.