Client wants to track known visitors on there website and they are not into e-commerce business. so we have updated content catalog in email recommendation section and this account doesn't has Web recommendation in place.
- Can we achieve website tracking through email recommendation option. and business don't want to recommend any product or content. Just want to have website visitors data in IGO DE's.
- Content catalog consist of ContentID, Link, Availability, Title. -> We have updated dummy ContentID, Link has Website URL, Availability has Y, and Title has Website title.
- Collect code which we have updated on website is below. we have replaced MID with account id.
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
var_etmc = [];
_etmc.push(["setOrgId", "MID"]);
_etmc.push(["trackPageView"]); </script
_etmc.push(["setOrgId", "MID"]);
_etmc.push(["trackPageView, {"Item" : ContentID, "Link" : Link, "Title":Title]);
but still we are not seeing any data coming into IGO DE's apart from PI_CONTENT and PI_CONTENTATTRIBS.
We what to track known users with there email id and which page subscriber has visited and time stamp.
Could anyone please provide answers, or guide us in implementing the collect tracking code.