I am having a hard time understanding ExactTarget's API.
Please, in the lamest terms, someone please explain to me the complete flow of using a trigger email.
Here is the scenario:
New customer comes to my websites, adds 4 products to their cart, then checks out.
After the customer checks out, I send him/her an email that contains the order's receipt.
Here is what I believe to be work flow:
Create a subscriber using
$subscriber = new ExactTarget_Subscriber();
Q1: How do I get the new SubscriberKey after I create the subscriber?
Create rows in DE using a combination of the following functions
Q2: How do I get the new Primary Key value for each row after I create them?
Now I get the triggerSend ready using these functions
Now here is where I get lost! What am I suppose to do now?
The triggerSend is pointing to a Template that is going to use values stored data extension rows
Q3: How do I identify the new subscriber I just created, and passed it to the triggerSend?
Q4: Do I want to handle pointing out what Data Extension Rows to use using the WEB API or do I do that in the Template using AMPScript?
Q5: Is My understanding of the way ExactTarget's system works, even correct?