I'm coming across a strange issue. Texting companystop to a international long code that runs this code
You have been unsubscribed
%%[VAR @mobilenumber,@rc,@rows SET @mobilenumber = [MOBILE_NUMBER]
SET @rows = RetrieveSalesforceObjects('Contact', 'ID, et4ae5__HasOptedOutOfMobile__c',
'MobilePhone', '=', @mobilenumber,'MC_Sync__c', '=', 'True')
SET @rc = RowCount(@rows)]%%
throws 'There was an error processing your message'
However, the same code works when calling this via QueueMO API, and in fact the RetrieveSalesforceObjects part works in a cloudpage. If I remove the RetrieveSalesforceObjects I get the text.
Any ideas why the manual text response to an international code behaves differently compared to an API call ? I didn't have this problem with the short codes.