How can I best use SFDC Live Agent with the following business requirement for our chat routing based on product being viewed and the users locale?
SFDC Queues/Skills: Country/Language Assigned. Product Specialist Assigned. Example: French-Generalist, French-Banana-Specialist.
Logic concepts
If a user is on a page that matches product/content type of X.
And user's IP matches supported locale.
Then direct user to agents/queue in matching locale and product type of X.
Else do not show agents available.
If a user is on a page that does not match product/content type of X.
And user's IP matches supported locale.
Then direct user to agents/queue in matching locale.
Else do not show agents available.
Example User is viewing Banana product page and locale is in France. User is directed to a Banana specialist agent who speaks French.
User is viewing an Orange product page and locale is in France. User is directed to a generalist agent who speaks French.
Business case Users for Bananas should speak to a specialist while users for Oranges, Apples and Pears should go to a generalist. Users should always be directed to someone who speaks their language based on their (the user's) locale.
Would SFDC's Einstein Bot be able to help route accordingly with this?
Currently our implementation seems to allow for one or the other forms of logic, but not both together.
Solution also needs to be scalable across website with 200k pages supporting 90 locales.