Trying to switch out the static attachment in an email to dynamic based on a Data Extension(DE).

The Static:


And what I'm tried to replace it with:

%%[ var @Program,@ColumnProgramCode  set @ColumnProgramCode = Lookup("Program_Interest_G", "ProgramCode", "ProgramOfInterest", @Program)]%%
%%=AttachFile('FTP',%%@ColumnProgramCode%% +'.pdf')=%%

The DE is Program_Interest_G the filed name is ProgramCode

2 Answers 2


I’ve got this working great now when the @file is not empty. However when it is empty the email fails. I’ve tried an if statement but it’s not working

%%[ var @Program,@ColumnProgramCode , @file set @Program =v([Lead:Global_Program_of_Interest_2__c]) set @ColumnProgramCode = Lookup("Program_Interest_G", "ProgramCode", "ProgramOfInterest", @Program) SET @file = Concat(@ColumnProgramCode, '.pdf') ]%%

%%[IF NOT EMPTY(@file) THEN]%%



Problem resolved. It had nothing to do with the ampscript. The Dynamic email criteria was not set correctly

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