In our emails we are using AMPscript to include an ID combined with a URL in an email:
VAR @ID__c,@landingpage
Set @ID__c= ID__c
Set @landingpage = Concat('',@ID__c)
We are experiencing issues rendering the field in the email when using journeys. Our question is whether it is possible to use journey data to fill @ID__c. The field is located in the PersonAccount (contact) object in Salesforce.
We have added the field as an attribute in the profile management and mapped it with the field in Salesforce. This does not work unfortunately.
We have used the following settings for the entry event:
PersonContact ID (Contact)
Related Objects Criteria:
PersonContact:Contact: OptOutOfMarketing__c equals False
Entry Data:
Account:Id; Account:ID__pc; Account:MasterRecord:Id; Account:MasterRecord:ID__pc; Account:Parent:Id; Account:Parent:ID__pc; Account:PersonContact:Id; Account:PersonContact:Email; Account:PersonContact:HasOptedOutOfEmail; Account:PersonContact:ID__c; Account:PersonContact:LastTransactionDate__c; Account:PersonContact:ResidentialGrouping__c;