We are getting this personalization string appended to the end of our emails when we try to send test sends, but absent in the live version.


Has anyone encountered this or is it one of the release related bugs?

  • 1
    I saw it too, just hid it with some CSS Commented Apr 27, 2018 at 18:04

2 Answers 2


Yes, It seems to be release related. As a workaround use send preview to generate tests or generate tests via a user-initiated send.

Also as another option you can remove the tracking image tag

<custom name="opencounter" type="tracking"></custom>

and this string will no longer appear. However you will lose the ability to track opens for this emails sends.


We faced the same issue. When you look at test sends in the tracking you we also see many AMPScript functions like %%=BeginAssetBlock(Number)=%% %%=EndAssetBlock()=%% for each content block we defined and used separately in the email.

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