I have the following ampscript written to display a time in SMS in mobile connect, but whenever I test it out the result shows up in 24 hr time (e.g. '17:00 PM') is there an ampscript function for this or do I need to write something custom?
set @Mobile = Mobile_Number set @ActivityID= Lookup("ApptJourneyEntryImport","Activity ID", "Opportunity Contact: MobileSMSFormatted", Mobile_Number)
set @ApptDate = Lookup("ApptJourneyEntryImport","Appt Start Time", "Activity ID", @ActivityID)
set @ApptDate = Lookup("ApptJourneyEntryImport","Due Time", "Activity ID", @ActivityID)
set @Fname = Lookup("ApptJourneyEntryImport","Contact First Name", "Activity ID", @ActivityID)
%%=FormatDate(@ApptDate, "MM/DD", "en-US")=%%
%%=FormatDate(@ApptTime, "hh:mm tt", "en-US")=%%