I'm trying to integrate salesforce-marketingcloud Cordova plugin with an existing hybrid mobile application.
I've created firebase account and all required details for android and ios and did all the required setup for Android platform.
Next, I've installed salesforce-marketingcloud Cordova plugin into my application and started application on both ios and android phones.
I was able to see contact created for ios phone but not android, also if I add any api calls to the code eg. MCCordovaPlugin.isPushEnabled(successCallback, errorCallback);
I never get any response from the Android application but ios works.
So more info
Cordova version 7.0.0 Android version 6.3.0
When I look at the Android studio logs I don't see any errors... I can see API been called just nothing ever returns.
Any idea what could be the issue or how I could troubleshoot this?