We have two sand boxes. In one sandbox, /s is getting added to community url where as in another sandbox it is not. Custom Login page is specified as active site home page in both boxes.So Login page is shown when I copy & paste the community URL where there is no /s. If I copy and paste the community URL from sandbox where there is /s it gives following error message. How can I fix this issue?
URL No Longer Exists
You have attempted to reach a URL that no longer exists on salesforce.com.
You may have reached this page after clicking on a direct link into the
application. This direct link might be:
• A bookmark to a particular page, such as a report or view
• A link to a particular page in the Custom Links section of your Home Tab,
or a Custom Link
• A link to a particular page in your email templates
If you reached this page through a bookmark, you are probably trying to
access something that has moved. Please update your bookmark.
If you reached this page through any of the other direct links listed
above, please notify your administrator to update the link.
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