Updated to version 4.8.5 and getting: when sending push message.
E/~!ETPushService: Unknown PUSH_ACTION for ETPushService: com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE ~!ETPush_ERROR: ET PUSH SDK VERSION: 4.8.5 build 20620001 ~!ETPush_ERROR: APP VERSION: 6.06 : 606 ~!ETPush_ERROR: Debug version: true ~!ETPush_ERROR: configureSdk() Initialized with: ~!ETPush_ERROR: Context: au.com.sbcommon.application.WHApp@1369466 ~!ETPush_ERROR: ET App Id: {et_app_id} ~!ETPush_ERROR: Access Token: {access_token} ~!ETPush_ERROR: GCM Sender ID: {gcm_sender_id} ~!ETPush_ERROR: Analytics: false ~!ETPush_ERROR: WAMA: false ~!ETPush_ERROR: Location: false ~!ETPush_ERROR: Proximity: false ~!ETPush_ERROR: CloudPages: false ~!ETPush_ERROR: GOOGLE PLAY SERVICES REQUIRED VERSION AVAILABLE: true ~!ETPush_ERROR: GOOGLE PLAY SERVICES REQUIRED VERSION: 10084000
<-- must be first in the list of services according to ET people -->
<action android:name="com.google.android.c2dm.intent.RECEIVE" />