I need to add bell notifications to a Community using Napili template.
I tried to search if there is an OOTB Lightning Component but I did not found anything.
Anyone knows if exists a open source or free bell notification component ?
You should be able to use lightning:icon in your component, as follows:
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:notification" />
This is also in the standard SLDS library if you're using the static resource version of SLDS, located under utility/notification.png
or the svg version at /assets/icons/utility-sprite/svg/symbols.svg#notification
Since Winter 17
Finally, I found that what I wanted is something like this :
<span class="counterLabelContainer" aura:id="divNotificationCount">
<span class="counterLabel">{!v.unreadNotifications}</span>
retrieveNotifications : function(objComponent) {
var objControllerAction = null;
var arrFeedElements = null;
var intUnreadNotifications = 0;
var objNotificationList = null;
var strState = null;
var objNotifications = null;
var strHTML = null;
objControllerAction = objComponent.get("c.getNotifications");
objNotificationList = objComponent.get("v.NotificationElements");
objControllerAction.setCallback(this, function(objResponse) {
strState = objResponse.getState();
if (objComponent.isValid() && strState === "SUCCESS") {
arrFeedElements = objResponse.getReturnValue();
if(arrFeedElements != null && arrFeedElements.length != null) {
intUnreadNotifications = arrFeedElements.length;
objComponent.set("v.unreadNotifications", intUnreadNotifications);
objNotifications = objComponent.find("divNotificationCount");
if(intUnreadNotifications > 0) {
$A.util.removeClass(objNotifications, "counterLabelContainerHidden");
$A.util.addClass(objNotifications, "counterLabelContainer");
strHTML = '';
for(var intIndex = 0; intIndex < intUnreadNotifications; intIndex++) {
strHTML += this.createNotificationRow(arrFeedElements[intIndex]);
document.getElementById('NotificationElements').innerHTML = strHTML;
} else {
console.log("Failed with state: " + strState);
public static List<ConnectApi.FeedElement> getNotifications() {
ConnectApi.Community objCommunity = null;
CECC_Community_Settings__c objConfig = null;
List<ConnectApi.FeedElement> lstNews = null;
ConnectApi.FeedElementPage objPage = null;
objConfig = CECC_HelperFunctions.retrieveConfig();
objCommunity = CECC_HelperFunctions.retrieveCommunity(objConfig.Portal_Name__c);
objPage = ConnectApi.ChatterFeeds.getFeedElementsFromFeed(objCommunity.Id, ConnectApi.FeedType.News, 'me');
if(objPage != null && objPage.elements != null && objPage.elements.size() > 0) {
lstNews = objPage.elements;
return lstNews;
Since Winter 17