I'm wondering if there is a way in ExactTarget/Salesforce Marketing Cloud to limit the number of emails sent to a user in a specific period of time. For example, I would like to send no more than 3 emails to a subscriber in one week and no more than 1 each day.
3 Answers
Currently there is no frequency capping feature available out of the box. One way to do this is writing the email sends to a data extension and using this information as filter criteria for your email audiences for example.
Use this query to output to a DE with the 3 fields at the top.
DISTINCT EmailAddress as [Email Address], s.SubscriberKey, GETUTCDATE() as [Date Added]
SubscriberKey, count(1) as cnt
_sent with(nolock)
dateadd(wK,3,EventDate) > DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd,0,getUTCdate()), 0)
group by
count(1) >= 2
_Subscribers s with(nolock)
On x.SubscriberKey = s.SubscriberKey
then use this ampscript (or ContentAreaByname point to this) at the top of your email to lookup the DE at send time
%%[ /* Suppression Lookup */ SET @FC_Row = LookupRows("Suppression_FrequencyCap_Email","SubscriberKey", _SubscriberKey) IF rowCount(@FC_Row) > 0 THEN RaiseError("Do not send to subscriber ñ Frequency Capping applied.", true) ENDIF]%%
it cut my code, here's the top half SELECT DISTINCT EmailAddress as [Email Address], s.SubscriberKey, GETUTCDATE() as [Date Added] from (select SubscriberKey, count(1) as cnt from _sent with(nolock) where dateadd(wK,3,EventDate) > DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd,0,getUTCdate()), 0) Commented May 28, 2018 at 16:36
Make sure to use the
code format button in the editor or indent your entire code block by four spaces. That way your formatting won't be mangled. Commented May 28, 2018 at 17:00
Since this has been posted, Salesforce introduced the Auto Suppression "Lists". While they're not target-able by Query Activity out of the box, you can make that connection via API and utilize one or more queries to maintain a suppression audience.
The benefit of using Auto Suppression is that you do not need to use Exclusion Scripts in every send definition.
I've outlined a solution here in this Github repo: https://github.com/wvpv/sfmc-frequency-suppression
Here's the Send query from that solution:
, a.subscriberkey
, count(*) as SendCount
from _Sent a
inner join _Job j on j.jobid = a.jobid
where 1=1
and j.sendClassificationType = 'Default Commercial'
and j.TestEmailAddr is null
and j.Category != 'Test Send Emails'
and j.EmailSubject not Like '%test%'
and a.eventDate >= convert(date, getDate()-7)
group by
, a.subscriberkey
having count(*) > 0
/* name: Subscriber_Activity_Summary_Sends */
/* description: aggregates sends by subscriber in the past 7 days */
/* target: Subscriber_Activity_Summary */
/* action: overwrite */