I have a list of subscribers inside a data extension. One of the fields is GamePoints. If a subscriber has more than 10 GamePoints I want to send an e-mail to remind them.

I am able to do this using the Automation Studio. This job will run every hour to check for subscribers with more than 10 GamePoints.

The problem is that once a subscriber reaches 10 GamePoints he receives an e-mail every time the job is running. But what I want is to limit this reminder per subscriber to only once every two weeks. Is this possible? (running the job only once per two weeks is not an option).

  • an oldie, but a good solution here is to use UPSERT on the email send and mark that the subscribers has received the email with a date stamp... You can then add a condition that only those who are GamePoints > 10 AND "Send Date" > 14 days ago, or is NULL. Commented Oct 15, 2019 at 19:26

2 Answers 2


I'd suggest implementing an Exclusion Script that excludes subscribers if GamePoints > 10.

Not empty(AttributeValue("GamePoints")) and GamePoints > 10

Exclusion Scripts are defined on in UI-Send and Triggered Send Definitions. They have to be enabled by SFMC Support. No charge.


But be careful using exclusion scripts counts as an email send.

Technically though you are killing the email, SF still charges as 1 email sent.


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