I am trying to send an email from the emailauthor page (Activity History Send Email), when I get into the page I have multiple options to select in the field From, I want to always have a default value, so I have created a button and the parameter p26 with the value that I want, having an URL looking like this:
https://cs31.salesforce.com/_ui/core/email/author/EmailAuthor?p2_lkid=001p0000003ajeV&rtype=003&p3_lkid=006p000000247ci&retURL=%2F006p000000247ci&p26="From Name" <[email protected]>
This is showing up this value in the From field but when the email is sent, even that this value is the selected one, it still been sent by other value.
I am not sure if there is somewhere in the set up that I can default this, or if it is something wrong with my parameter, I have tried different options but nothing seems to work