I'm struggling with adding IF, THEN conidition to my HTML Classic Email template and hoping someone can help.
I am trying to say if Cohort Owner's name is 'X', then post the X link, if Cohort Owner's name is 'Y', then post the Y link and if Cohort Owner's name is 'Z' then paste the Z link.
This is the statement I am using in SF that is not outputting what I'd like
{!IF({!Cohorts__c.OwnerFirstName} = "Bob", "Boblink", " ")}
{!IF({!Cohorts__c.OwnerFirstName} = "Tim", "Timlink", " ")}
{!IF({!Cohorts__c.OwnerFirstName} = "Anna", "Annalink", " ")}
This is the output it gives me when I send an email.
= "Bob", "Boblink", " ")} = "Tim", "Timlink", " ")} = "Anna", "Annalink", " ")}
I'd like the output to be dependent on Cohort Owner and have the output as, i.e Here is.. Annalink (if Cohort Owner is Anna)
Any suggestions?